TOURNEY PLAYER NOW SO INVITE ME TO ANY TOURNEYS I CAN PLAY! Hey I am A1ua! I stream on twitch @ https:/ I am an aim OTP who wants to learn how to stream. Thanks Mother for 6 months of supporter BYE MYGRANNYLISS :_( (2/22/25)
Goal is to hit 5000pp in 2 weeks(11/23 to 12/6) Done:11/23. LOL Next goal is to hit 50k in 30 days. (11/23 to 12/23) Done:12/14 Yay! Had 9 days to spare. Next goal is to be able to stream and play dt And 30k by 4/31 DONE 25k by 5/30 (done 51 days before july 12th) 19k by 8/31 I am farming on kokisu now with the same username (Im not gonna overfarm I just wanna set a 400 or 500 on kokisu before ranking up on bancho) (done on 9/31 1 month late lol) 16k by 11/01 [s]I need a lot more plays and a higher skillcap for this but I have a month so I should be fine (Done 2/21)
First 100pp play was basssl*t Reforms diff First 200pp play was Get jinxed master diff First 300pp play Everybody do the flop 1 miss (Whitedoable FC) First 400pp play on Yakusoku no Asterism - Dreams (its on my Kokisu) COUNT:7? I got one on Bancho, p cool "Lonely go" with hr is funny
90% on Faithlessness [uragirarete] Make 5wc US C/B Team in 2025 (I shouldve put this goal so much sooner) X (unfortunate but it is what it is) Make 5usc Mass A team in 2025 Make 5wc US A Team in 2026 Make USC Mass Team in 2025/2026 Make 4WC in 2027 Make OWC in 2028 Skip 500 With DT (My first big DT play be 600) Become badged before 2027 (We will win 5WC) FC Top Diff Dandelion Be able to 600k sightread average 6.4 Star pools. Become comfortable with 7 star DT and HR Be able to read 10.77 without Gamma FC Qu'ils Mangent Des Puchi Pastel (Top Diff) Become Mentally Strong Be able to stream. Having comfortablity on 7.8 Star NM1's (350k+ on average) Stop tying value to rank Carry 5USC for Massachusetts (Maybe not the tapping maps) FC Chikatto Chika Chika +DT FC United +HdHr FC Guitar to Kodoku to Aoi Hoshi +HR and Seishun Complex +HR FC Katamari on the Wings +HR FC Kigurumi Sungeki FC EXXTRA JUDGEMENT FC Tsukinami +DT (All Diffs) FC Gravitation +HR FC Yume No Tsubomi +HR FC Caffeine (USA 5WC Tryouts NM1) Be able to read AR6 FC Yakusoku no Asterism +HR FC Feelin’ Sky (Im about to suck a-) FC Chicago +HR (7.1 star diff)
In no order Ryuk (for speed and perspicacity) Cytusine (awesome person and always helping me with my math) Asim (My first real friend in osu and I will never forget him) Mrekk (nice aim bro) Maika Scarlet (hey duck!) 7Chibi (first real tourney player friend I made and I will never forget that) Blants (goated human gl racing also good tech player) Brilaman (nice human and also friend from 5usc) Zavs (GET DOWN MR PRESIDENT) Ikaenia (insane tourney player) Bento (thanks brother for putting me on the 5usc b team) Evescent (holy shit thanks for the carry bro) WhatSkill(amazing human that has shown me the upmost empathy and a goated played) Dank (speed goat) Allison (You are an awesome person and great tapping player) Zhooph (joof, awesome human) Hozay (5usc acquaintance, but on a real note thanks for everything :goat:) Gilgamesh815 (insane tourney player and latin) DerpTheFish (You are super brave! keep going) Akeno (Speed goat and also amazing friend) Trex (hr2 goat and also awesome coloradian) Zefkiel (Tourney Goat and also amazing person thank for everything bro) Zab (Probably doesnt really know me but always looked up to his tourney performances since I interacted with him) Micro (hr demon also cool to talk to that multiple time) ploot (that gimmick is insane) fleuph (full area demon) Nino (insane tourney player and just great human) namecrusher (W goat) Vivace (that fc on freaking heat abnormal) Oceanboy98 (Yea vro) Zfr (cool human being and also really good at the game) Spliffy (amazing human I wish I could emulate bros aura) TheOtherBubble (TheOtherGoat) Twisty (Ytsiwt amazing person and goated ez player) BetterMeman (Cool human and ez player and also deranker but nice deranker) Izayoi (Thanks for being the one to make me want to play tournies) SkY TN (TUNISIA :goat: also good person to talk too) Selatar (Nm2 and nm1 in one player is too much) Haxagon (singing and also osu goat, how did you make usc dude ur insane; wtf is a vibrato) Tarragon111 (Tarragon111, also goated hd player in general) Omishi (thanks for that one talk we had) ChaosEater (Jeueoskdhhekllo) Jameson (Goated person and empathetic) Kazemiya (Hd :goat: and also awesome person) Lisseroni (Granny!) Lia (Crumblyz, sick streamer go check her out) Caveman (:goat: keep grinding tournies bro) Hydrole (cool human being and math) Gleague (Deranker but still cool person, that freaking euphoria score!) Kefn (:kefn:) miisted (That MTT performance will always make me respect bro) AWhitePhoenix (Crazy hdhr player) MatalisFanGirl (gift me some skill) Takasaki Yu (again hdhr goat)