I don't submit my maps anymore kekw so what maps i have down there is not similar to my mapping now
Sorry peppy I was 14 years old at that time ;-; I'm good now
I'm a speed player(I cannot play 200bpm below) Best Choker
Favourite Mappers: #1 Log Off Now (Best mapper) #2 Affirmation (yes) #3 Smokelind (tech maps) his farm mapping #4 Typ4 (Good patterns) #5 Seni (I wanna learn how to map streams) #6 Kroytz (good dog also tech)
Goals: Reach 200pp (on every mod) Reach 300pp
Rank(Loved) a single map
Get a pass on: Galaxy Collapse [Galaxy]
Get log off now to teach me british mapping Tsukinami [Nostalgia] DT + HD