Now accepting Hard diff map requests (TV Size only)
My maps aren't particularly polished but Im still growing. Msg me if you're interested, preferably cute songs.
Hai, im Ethica, I like to play osu! and vibe. I do some skinning too ( ^ ^) [Once tablet, now Mouse player] (Update) I now map, surely #1 kotoha mapper some day
Get a 200pp Play ✅ Get a 200pp Non-Farm Play ✅ Reach 5 Digit ✅ Pass Packet Hero 6* ✅ Pass NANI THE F___!! 6* ✅ Pass Teo 6.5* ✅ Pass Airman 7* ✅ Pass Ghost-Rule 8* ⬜ Pass an 8* ✅ Pass Huvafen +HdHr 6* ✅ Pass Moudoku ga Osou +Fl 4* ⬜ Fc Lemon-Kenshi Yonezu 3* ✅ Fc Moudoku Ga Osou 4* ⬜ Fc Shiawase 6* ⬜ Fc One In A Billion 6* ⬜ SS Hello Morning 4* ⬜ 100 SS ⬜ 100 Silver SS ⬜
GRANTIS THANK YOU FOR THE YEAR OF SUPPORTER WTF Thank You Chunchunmarii for one month of supporter, ily <3 - December 21st 2020 to January 20th 2021 Thank You Grantis_ for FIVE months of supporter on top of the YEAR, keep up the great streams! <3 - January 21st 2021 to June 20th 2022 Thank You Dimatrix for the 1 month of supporter June 21st 2022 - July 20th 2022, and for offering two months of supporter to me, great 1v1, lots of love my guy
Gifted Supporters Gifted:
Thank You Grantis for the gifted supporter to: LTDomke, Meuws, Chunchunmarii, ITPM, GreenDanPark, tooasian_foryou, Am4ts, and -SS or Quit- Thank You Dimatrix for the gifted supporter to 3 anonymous members of chat!