02:21:697 - delete / 02:24:027 - move 02:22:862 - here ? 02:11:794 - From this part, 3note will be used more often. 5-3-3 can be changed to 5-1-3-1 to create a change.
01:01:309 - 01:10:629 - add note here ? I feel it could be added as it is part of the kiai.
02:33:347 - I think k fits better than d for the sound here.
03:22:279 (417,418) - swap notes? Futsuu dk, Oni dkd.
02:55:192 - delete here ? I'm not a 1/3 3note only here in the same pattern section. ( 01:03:056 - 01:12:377 - 03:04:221 - )
02:17:328 - or 02:17:910 - delete ? 02:15:872 - I felt it didn't have to be 9 notes.
00:24:900 (17) - delete here ? Same as here. : 00:34:221 -
01:49:949 - add note here ? I think it will fit the sound, although it will have more 4-2 patterns.
@Asa Kazato : You may change your own diff if you want to be consistent with the other diff.
ごもっともです。 00:53:502 - 色の変更少ししました。
Got it
fix all diff
okay. change kat.
kkd. :3
Change it. :3