Highest star rating pass (ranked or loved): 8,51 Highest star rating FC (ranked or loved): 6,87 Peak rank: #30,809 global & #259 country Peak o!RL rank: Legendary (#54) Future Goals:
✔️ 5 Digit 🔳 4 Digit ✔️ 300pp Play 🔳 400pp Play 🔳 500pp play ✔️ FC 6 Star 🔳 FC 7 Star ✔️ 98 Accuracy ✔️ Level 100 ✔️ Learn to map 🔳 Become a good mapper
20/5/2020 - I create my account! 23/10/2020 - First mechanical keyboard!!! 05/11/2020 - First 5 stars fc!!! https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/459149#osu/994495 13/11/2020 - 100K 16/12/2020 - First 200pp!!! 16/02/2021 - 5 digits with my 5th 200pp!!! 06/03/2021 - First 6 stars fc!!! I wasn't even trying to fc I was just practicing xDDD 16/03/2021 - wtf 97k to 91k for fcing Kira Kira Days 99,67% (267pp) 18/04/2021 - I will start alternating mainly for medical reasons
18/05/2021 - from 88.238 to 64.514 with 1 month of alternating 08/06/2021 - Passed The Big Black 04/07/2021 - Gonna try to skip 300pp and go for 400 03/08/2021 - Top 50k with 5kpp (New headphones buff) 27/08/2021 - I know I said I wanted to skip 300 but I just wanted to farm today. 2 first 300pp plays and more (went from 48.100 to 43.300) and gained 170+ pp. 343pp top play 12/11/2021 - I think I just learned to stream, fc'ed Kakurenbo. Also lost 3 300pp and 3k ranks because of rework, kinda sad (I'm 40k atm) 20/12/2021 - Just reached lvl 99! Haven't played much since rework. (same rank) 2/1/2022 - Started farming some medals for fun (same rank) 11/4/2022 - Just got my 2nd 300pp play (without the nerfed ones) after (at least) 90 days of not gaining any ranks! (I'm not playing a lot recently, got an 800 play count last month xd) Wasn't even trying + not on my main setup. lol 18/6/2022 - New top play on Sunglow for 345pp. Also, yesterday this happened, random 2 days pop off I guess. Pretty strange because I'm not playing as much as I did before, you can tell just by looking at my play history graph 01/10/2022 - after some months of not playing the game, I'm at my new peak because of rework (34,721 -> 30,880) (my old peak was 33,085)