Just answering all of these mods by SonicBMX, Monoseul and Damaree.
I feel like I could not ignore such messages anymore.
After a bunch of pain and struggle I basically added many short notes, representing kicks and similar sounds through the whole song. I hate the result in some way, but if people are keep telling me this, maybe that is the right thing to do.
Hope to see more feedback on this, specifically, what notes of this type should I maybe add or remove after all? I ignored places that already had 2 notes (2 long notes), and some transitional moments with these sounds being very wrong, but mostly it is now almost everything.
Honestly, that is weird, and i don't really know what to do, i'm getting 97% on my own map that is low 2 star, and absolutely hate all these notes. And now it sounds like a big mess, that is what i was afraid of in the first place.
As i mentioned in 1870734#3403814/9168841
There is no reason to use every single sound of that unimportant beat, i highlight only parts that are not making a big mess out of the song, and that part is made in a similar way as later parts of that melody, so therefore that must be consistent enough without placing an extra note for every 1/2 of the map