every single audio ending with '2' (drum-hitfinish2.wav, drum-hitwhistle2.wav, soft-hitclap2.wav, soft-hitfinish2.wav, soft-sliderslide2.wav) isnt used
also why is 'Untitled 2.png' there
pls make the slider nodes less messy at 02:44:487, 02:46:333, 02:48:179
Example: https://streamable.com/vo8jmb
i forgor about the like/kudos feature :skull: | i mean ima keep mapping and considering this is my second taiko map ever its definitely going to have very cursed parts so /shrug
tysm for the suggestions, pls tell me if i at least kinda fixed them and dont be afraid to call me out on any other problems
i mapped this late in the night most of the time so im not surprised there are issues
fixing rn
The end part of the spinner (02:42:641) is still a problem on the Hard difficulty (https://imgur.com/a/haa5Wfq). I recommend having the end of the spinner be at 02:44:371.