"Beware of the man who says they have 10 years experience, when in reality, they have 1 year's experience repeated 10 times." -If this is sounding like you, here are some questions to guide you into improvement:
"Have you tried everything?" -If the answer is yes, you're either blatantly lying and you know it, or you're not self-aware. -If the answer is no, then find those things you've been holding back from REALLY trying out and do them. A common example of this is of Low Star Maps, Low AR Reading, EZ Mod, and AR11. Most people either do not really try these or play with it for a while and then decide it's not for them, if you find yourself doing this, it is the wrong approach.
If you really intend to improve, why not completely exhaust all of your options first before deciding that you can't?
"I don't know how to improve [x] skill!" -Search how to improve your said skill, and follow those tips. -Try not to fall into the trap of complacency, chances are that your aim (for example) that you're so proud of is actually the bottleneck. The most common bottleneck is reading. As I used to say (in multi lobbies); "It's always a goddamned reading issue ffs."