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NoFail's Modding History

meh stole them from ranked set, dont want a bunch of tags just to have then. adding rock tho
it really isn't. hardest part about it is the reading but because the movement is so minor you can easily just cheese that part. The streams are also somewhat low bpm so it doesnt feel that impactful when u play it
03:02:441 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2) - same with this since a lot of the objects arent attached to any sounds in the song, its a little akward to play a stream but u hear no sound connected to your clicks
more gds means more tags Add: geiboi77, NoFail
yes but its litterally marked as a problem on mapset verifier, if u wanna rank u gotta have 0 problem in there, so just move it up a bit, cuz bn look at this even before the map
00:10:144 (4,5,6,7,8) - also places like this where you follow one rythm but switch it up right after 00:13:233 (4,5,6,7) - following the voice, when they both have the same vocal rythm.
its a guideline mah dood, no need to remap the whole map just for it. it'll be done in the next map
drums are better
half fixed, 1/sliders stay not that big of a problem imo, blue tick is gone
meh its fine, give em a challange
oops didnt resolve
ye didnt like it either changed it back kinda to how it was before.
changed this back too didnt like
nah i like it this way, looks better
nvm changed it back dont like
ye dont like it either changed it back to sliders as it was before not gonna change it from this.
going with a decreasing spacing for each not instead since 01:42:811 (3) - is a strong note and it fits with the drums going down in pitch too
the hihats. dont rlly follow them in the rest of the section but they are much more prominent at this exact point imo.
did it a bit different but d
sry im deaf all of the above fixed with some addional ones i found too
remapped the whole section starting from (02:17:329) to (02:23:996) focusing on the guitar rather than drums, while still keeping a bit of the drums in there
but caps is superior :/ d ;-;
02:27:710 (1) - also not snapped properly to yellow tick
oh i mean the difficulty name is normal, but its 1.7*, which leans more towards the "easy" difficulty name, hence the color of the difficulty also is more blue than green
extention to this please call it easy, dont let the pp-reworks ruin the beautiful naming system
breh that first I spawned by itself
not sure i know what u mean but tried making the slider 0.3, and i like so :thumbsup:
simplified it. hopefully more intuitive
most of the map i 1.5 think only one section is 1.2 i believe which is a more complex patterns which i'd say vailidated smaller distance 01:36:441 (1,2,3,4) - spaced them more to resemble time distance equality.
some non-kiai sections have been nerfed prior to first and second kiai, but after second kiai i think it still fits the density of the song to keep as is as the second half of the song is much more dense and up tempo
yes, but that is also the point of these types of patterns in the map. While they might not hit it the first time, they will see it and be like what was that and start to think early on about what's going on in the map instead of just me see me click, and for sure hit it the next time and be more prepared for more "complex" patterns. teach em while they young :nodders:
its snapped to 1/7 on all diffs, but its 1/4
i see, forgot i changed mp3 tbh lemao. yea the ranking system is kinda cringe, jus how it iz
offset is fine. as much as i love the map it wont get updated since bns want to ruin the purpose of the map to make it ranked which i dont wont. They want me to reduce the spacing, when the spacing is the whole point,