this map makes me mesmerized ‼
hype (good luck on ranked if you're aiming for it)
The map is really fun to play! Hitsounds sound good and that storyboard is actually amazing!~ i would love to see this Ranked or atleast Loved
banger map for a banger song!
good song, great beatmap <3
Definitely one of the best Storyboard maps i've seen, Simple yet Nice.
Also idk if this was intentional or not, but the Cytoid reference was niiiice
oh i didn't notice i put in english instead of instrumental- thx for pointing it out
fixed (hopefully)
Hehe~ Thanks for the Compliment! I'll try my best to make this map rankable ^^ And I'll gladly accept any feedback if you have any :D
thank you! ^^
I'm thinking about mapping the full song, But i have other Maps i'm focusing on. I will complete this eventually though ^^ thx for the feedback!