OPT21: (19/06/2021)- SOLO - Seed 72 | L | 6WC 2021: (20/01/2022)- Team Portugal - Seed 39 | Seed 36 Individual Layer01: (5/2/2022) - SOLO - Seed 10 | W | LWinners: -Jayden | LLosers:Lochraven on semis 6PT22: (28/2/2022) - SOLO - Seed 1 | 1st Place (undeserved) (4 months supporter) PDN2: (12/5/2022) - Team Fanbois do Golfinho (players below on the collab section )- Seed 59 - Teammates quitw after qualis 5WC 2022: (4/2022) - Team Portugal - Seed 41 | L PNBR: (21/5/2022) - HOST - (co-host: Ohmm_Disciple) RESC: (19/06/2022) - Team Esquadrão do Amor (Just2Gud, BigYikes, AlfredTheSalmon, Destino, Netizz) - We dont talk about this one. DOC: (29/06/2022) - Team VOCÊ ACHA QUE O SEU SOM É BOM? (Daza, HumanAlien, Leonan) - Seed 7 - L to Alonso Derank Pls in SemiFinals TDN: (30/06/2022) - SOLO - Seed 6 - L to DiamondStorm on SemiFinals (outdated till i'm not lazy)
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FanBois do Golfinho (PDN2)
5WC Portugal 2022 Roster
Special Thanks to:
l4uke and Miguel ex 6 digitos for supporter (<3) ; KoiFishu for supporter (tourney knockout)(i found mp link somehow community/matches/97024554) TritoBandito for getting me into mapping (and later becoming my mentor); BTMC for making me play osu again (thats not that good honestly); DigitalHypno for the great tips for improving; MakiDonalds for mapping mentoring and early game inspiration.