TWC2021>>SF SUIJI2021>>QF TCT4>>SF EGTS2022>>SF SUIJI2023>>2ND PLACE EGTS2025>>QF 2020/4/9 #10000 2020/10/9 #5000 2021/4/9 #1000 2021/4/22 #900 2021/4/23 #800 2021/5/3 #700 2021/5/21 #600 2021/6/15 #500 2021/7/20 #400 2021/10/2 #300 2021/10/11 #250 2023/8/3 #150 2023/8/3 #125 2023/8/3 #100 two digit achieved (PEAK RANK #94) 2023/9/24 out of two digit lol
MANIA 2023/12/30 7k #10000 2023/12/31 7k #9000 ————— 2023/12/23 7k 0th dan reg 96.12% 2023/12/31 7k 1th dan reg 96.07% ————— comparison is the thief of joy there is almost always someone better than you at an aspect, so just do what makes you happy and don’t stop doing that
people I admire
- one of the most well-rounded players I've ever met. I aspire to be like you in accuracy and mods
- skillcap player, sets insane scores I could never do, always improving
- you too bro, you too.
- when I was four digit I always tried to pass your scores on the LB. thank you for making who I am now.
- I have no idea how you play 1/6 this well, with the same playstyle before you were just impossible to catch up too. speed too, I can't read anything above 400
- you're all rounded better than you think. please keep in mind I always look up to your scores, especially your HD ones.
- well rounded AF... please teach me to play high bpm HR
- your tech man, it's too good. it's too good
- you are better than me at almost everything, I'll try hard to catch up to you too!
- you inspired me to start grinding HR. thank you for everything.
there are many more I cannot list them all if you're reading this thanks for reading all dat