The fact that this songs got more views and popularity than the winner and runner up spoke volumes (not that those two songs are bad tho) Joostice fr.
Hmmm as a person who play this game and has listen this song for a good portion of his childhood the bg here is from the first game but song here is from the 2nd rendition of the series so maybe a bg change?
I'll be wishing for this not to get a veto as a christmas gift lol.
Edit: Frick did i jinx it?
First yes I know that sorry for not making that clear second I’m not too certain but maybe with more opinions from players third I’m not talking about difficulty here if you look closely there’s a mod saying that the silder was stolen 1533028#2547553 and cannot be use and the slider that was use before the change was the same slider that’s from notch hell and was used here so I’m concerned if monstrata use it here will it still considered as stolen?
This is definitely one of the longest ways of saying your old ways of mapping doesn't really work in this day and age lol.
A bit late here but i find this to be completely irrelevant since most people use miku bg in songs that doesn't even involved her and i see no one complain about it this one is no different.
Well that's make sense plus this is a tv-size that used in the anime too but i think imo it can be excused if it's the full ver.