22/11/2023 - finally deranked to 6 digit 02/02/2024 - uploaded a score and jumped back to 5 digit, one of the moments of all time 19/03/2024 - back to 6 digit yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh 07/11/2024 - due to pp rework I got back to 5 digit
Since this happened many times now, if you friended me and want a mutual from me then just dm me or something, I have no way of knowing who friended me or not.
Away with you! Before you ask, no, I don't play E7
I want to acquire badeu aim, like, become the best of the best at aim, like you get it, right?
Anyway, what I'm trying to say is that I have no idea what to put here so instead I'll just do this.
Also ye, finger control is fun And yes, I full alt