same goes with this
00:47:878 (47878|0,48128|1,48378|2,48628|3) -
and go through the chart carefully to catch the other inconsistencies that I did not mentioned.
and subjectively this 00:59:628 (59628|0,59878|1,60128|2,60378|3) -
additionally move this 00:14:628 (14628|2) - to col 4 for hand balance

well instead of starting at 00:43:983 -,,, i might be starting it at 00:43:852 because it starts the syllables of "nearest" and end it at 00:44:244,, I might accept moving the note at 00:44:899 to col 2
hey, this actually not a bad idea, i feel like it really needs to represent the guitar more...
added some guitar lns in 00:49:217 (49217|0) - up to 00:52:348 (52348|1) -
and from this section 00:53:130 - I putted a mini jack section for the repeating guitar riffs.
00:56:913 (56913|0,57435|3,57956|1,58478|2,59000|3,59522|0,60043|1,60565|3) - made this to ln to match the guitar in the first
nope it's not intentional. must be a problem when it didn't have a hitsound yet and mistake it as a weak snare.. Fixed the doubles and made them tripless