modder info

Lizyuu's Modding History

its okay
00:05:878 (5878|1,5940|0) - same thing with this
same goes with this 00:47:878 (47878|0,48128|1,48378|2,48628|3) - and go through the chart carefully to catch the other inconsistencies that I did not mentioned. and subjectively this 00:59:628 (59628|0,59878|1,60128|2,60378|3) -
additionally move this 00:14:628 (14628|2) - to col 4 for hand balance ![](
all goods for now
should be good now
fixed inconsistencies, and added note on first guitar section
great pointing that out!
well instead of starting at 00:43:983 -,,, i might be starting it at 00:43:852 because it starts the syllables of "nearest" and end it at 00:44:244,, I might accept moving the note at 00:44:899 to col 2
ooops i forgor abt that one
cooolll, fixed!
hey, this actually not a bad idea, i feel like it really needs to represent the guitar more... added some guitar lns in 00:49:217 (49217|0) - up to 00:52:348 (52348|1) - and from this section 00:53:130 - I putted a mini jack section for the repeating guitar riffs. 00:56:913 (56913|0,57435|3,57956|1,58478|2,59000|3,59522|0,60043|1,60565|3) - made this to ln to match the guitar in the first
nope it's not intentional. must be a problem when it didn't have a hitsound yet and mistake it as a weak snare.. Fixed the doubles and made them tripless
ooohhh niceee
moved to col2!
I did notice, fixeddd!
ooh i forgot, fixeddd
Kung meron mang mogging ang aking nag sisilbing na gyat ikaw, ikaw ay isang gyat
added rice notes to represent vocals
ops my bad, fixed
sure okayy
alr applied!
fixed! - made it like this
01:03:012 - moved this to col 1 made it like this
00:49:275 (49275|3) - moved it to another col, same with 00:58:275 (58275|2,58433|2)
removed note :D
00:30:801 (30801|0,30959|0) - removed the stack, and added a note in each red line 00:31:275 - 00:32:538 - 00:33:486 - 00:33:801 - 00:36:328 - Etc.
oohhh, okayyy, fixed
sure, much better :D
okiii addedd!
00:14:696 (14696|1,14854|2,15012|0) - added ln
00:12:486 (12486|1) - made it to ln
oki doki
i get ittt, my badddd
alr this feels nice, thankss
nerfedd! :D
ooohh yesss
ops my bad, fixed