'Connection Failed Will Keep Retrying' Again and Again Can't upload replays,can't add playcounts,can't mulitplay. China Mobile Broadband = trash. Fixed in 20201001
It is hard to reduce osu!'s sounds latency. why osu! not support asio or wasapi. 2019.10.27 Fix:thanks my engineer friend,I have a [Customized STM32 SoundsCard] to play [osu! Songs] and play [MCU build-in Hitsounds] when i click my [customized Infrared Correlation Tube keyboard],Using a [customized analog circuit] to realtime hard-mixing songs and hitsounds.Feeeeeling Less Latency now ^_^
Display: BenQ XL2660k 1920x1080@360hz fast tn Processor: 9900k@5G Memory: Patriot 2x8G 3900mhz Graphics:ASUS GTX2080 Super 12G Typing keyboard:Osu! MiniKeyboard redswitchs Tablet:wacom ptk440 | 200pps with full area & drag | cover thick kraft paper | Area 2000 2000 30280 18888 | RawSample 0 | Suppress 0 | Mode Absolute | Threshold 1 | PressureRecalibration off | TapTime 0(new settings at 20191027) | CursorProx 1(new settings at 20191027) | PressCurve "0 0 1 1"(new settings at 20191027) | CursorProximity 1(new settings at 20191027)
Mouse: Logitech GProWirelessX or GProWireless Mouse pad: Steelseries Operating system:Manjaro Linux with openbox(in order to reduce the input and output delay of a little bit of sound card and keyboard and tablet, but it is not obvious.)
Left hand: straighten fingers & Single tap Right hand: Full area & drag(moving by arm,not by wrist) Eyes: staring at the next note(so i always break the slider)