Stream 220 bpm Hit 4 digit ✔️ 05/05/22 Learn hr ✔️ Achieve 98% overall acc ✔️ Become a speed finger control player 300pp hr play✔️ 13/05/21 400pp hr play✔️ 25/05/22 FC on Yomi yori Kikoyu, Koukoku no Tou to Honoo no Shoujo (mapped by PoNo) ✔️ 07/05/2023 Get in the 5 digit world cup✔️ 27/07/21 Get in the 4 digit world cup Get better at tech get better at aim control
20/11/20 Got my first tablet! (Wacom CTL-480) 27/12/20 Thank you Fuvell for the osu supporter!!! (1 month osu supporter) 30/12/20 Switched from hover to drag 16/01/21 Thanks for the free supporter SkidHub 19/02/21 Thank you Jinx for the osu supporter 27/07/21 Ar 11 FC scores/osu/3791072802 30/07/21 Thank you Poofeon for the osu supporeter