Hi my name is Tom Pearl and I am a human toilet. I like to eat shit and drink piss.
Great job
revived pog
very good
hoof hoof ill fix it for you
Guess ill edit the map a bit then!
There always is lol
And i am pretty sure after polishing and modding this diff there are going to be people with interest on making a GD
Pika's loved freedom dive mapset took like over 4-5 years to loved cuz he gave up on it for a while
I have faith cuz this map is fun, and i know i could work very good on a few note placements and patterns on this
i still am motivated to work on this map lol
Id still love to continue this map tho
and i think you are good at making easy diffs. I struggle making them haha.. Now im asking if you'd like to create an easier diff for my map :D. https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/1088849#osu/2276648