00:44:344 (6) - Try to not end sliders on strong sounds like here, since clicking on those sounds would be more intuitive. Also just realizing I was modding in the wrong spot oops
00:00:762 (1) - Try using 763 for the offset, yours was a bit off. Putting a hitsound on the first note and seeing if the sound of the note and start of the music lines up works for me. Make sure to resnap your map using ctrl+a and then sliding them one tick to the left on the timeline. Also might want to fix bookmarks, you can delete using ctrl+shift+b
For this song you will want to use 1/4 only and not 1/8 like at 00:15:330 (7,8,9) and other spots
00:06:716 (9) - Vocal is on on white tick, its not common for notes to be placed on blue ticks like you did here, but can happen in some cases. This is not one of them.
00:04:916 (7,8) - when you want a reverse slider to replace a burst of notes, make it reverse on 1/4 for most maps. If you want it to actually buzz like in big black, then use 1/8 like you did here. varies for different songs so just make sure it lines up with the music.
00:00:707 (1) - 00:48:395 (1) - Approach rate is slightly higher than recommended for this difficulty because one of the main problems I had trying to get into the game was low AR making seeing what rhythm to follow difficult.
00:06:887 (10) - ^ Once again, to not spam this area with repeated phrases, check to make sure all your jumps/singletaps are on red or white ticks, same thing with sliderends, as that is where 99% of those will end up being
I changed the first but I feel like the short slider at 00:26:604 (1) - fits with the abrupt stop of music