Hello ! Oh, i'm really sorry, i thought i messaged you for that but i think you didn't respond, if that isn't the case then i'm sorry again. If i can ask you here directly would it be okay if i kept them ? I will remove them if you don't want to. Thanks !!
Changed some things you said for the start but i don't wanna change anything else since i'll have to modify everything and i don't want to get too into it since these hitsounds are already ranked.
Same melody but not the same thing happening on the drums (idk how to explain it i'm not a drummer) if you hear the two sections they have the same melody, but it's not what i'm mapping here anyway, if you get what i'm saying you'll understand
01:10:394 (2) - 01:18:849 (1) - is the same as 01:23:485 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41) - too so yeah i'm keeping it like that
I just finished fixing every mod you left on this mapset, just wanted to say thank you for the time you took writing all of this !! They were really helpful and made me learn or realise a lot of things that i will take in consideration for my incoming maps.
honestly i just do that randomly lol, i think i do it because it looks cool ? but yeah i see how it's a problem in terms of a maps rankability
anyway i fixed all of them, i think the flow is good now
I did this in every diff and i think it's fine, the melody in the intro is chill and the slight whistles sounds feels ok so i'm keeping it for now (also i don't have any other hitsounds in the folder that i could use for it)