i will add more to this later but all i can say about it right now is the fact that i listened to this 12 times in a day. live, studio and tour versions. (if yk me you know how i listen to it), because there was nowhere else on earth i felt safe
closed blinds, a moonless sky, rainy ambience, trapped in countless sheets, and drowning in pure emotion is the best way i would personally describe this song. the beginning will never ever get old for me either, it starts it off so perfectly with those sounds i can describe no less as "sinking", and when it ends, with the sound of endless rainfall.
the feeling of waiting for a train that will never arrive, metaphorically or literally, is how i really interpret this song. constant rushes of impatience and fever, between such subtle drum tones and a 3 note bassline. nothing will ever encapsulate the pure mania of goingg insane, wading and searching for a lover that doesnt exist, like this songg does. its pure simplicity with such attention to detail makes it stand out but in such a beautiful way.
thisw song took me a little tbh, i didnt realize until later that this is kiiind of technically a sequel to one of archys hits off 6 feet beneath the moon, baby blue, of which being about yearningg for love or in this case a particular lover. lonely blue touches on the after, what happened after it went awry and how hhe lost himself with it. how be became his lonesome and how his devotion to something eventually meaninggless, drove him to insanity. after learning more about it, it just clicked so hard. "id save him but hes dead" made perfect sense, and borderline empathized with me. archy wailing in angguish over the most heartwrenching chord progression near the close, and then softly mutterring "lover come back to me". it embodies loneliness perfectly. like i literally cant think of any other song.
this songg personally encapsulated my entire mental during my life in the canadian education system. i was drugged up on adhd meds daily, basically robotic. my whole mind felt like distortion fuzz, and mind you i was like 10-14 around this time. i went from being the chatterbox who wouldnt stop saying anything to not even there. i can barely type this because i cant even remember that part of my life, and thats how bad it was. my brain felt like tv static, and time went on for fucking ages. this song captures the feelings perfectly though, especially the fact that archy has this whole idgaf and like "dont be wastingg my time" kind of attitude, because thats exactly the kind of child i was around that time, and like as i was leaving highschool later down the line, this mindset really kinda showed more, since it was more post pandemic time and i was more introverted, i just didnt want to "waste my time" talking to irl people. idk i could go on for hours empathizing, this song was like made to fit into my life its spectacular fbndhsjafbdhjdf
biscuit town was the one song on the ooz that really kinda stood out to me because it didnt make much sense at first. not just with its tone but, the storyline of the song just kinda felt static, if that makes sense. it just felt like it didnt connect a lot, until that it i discovered its about archy solvingg the mystery of his own death. then it made a WHOLE lot more sense. ill put a lot more here as i listen to it more but all i really know is this rn
starts off with the same 3 notes as what leads off each of the verses. its so simple its almost reminiscent of like a day starting up again personally, i feel it even gives off the emotion of getting ready to repeat something over again.
this reallllly hits hard because it truly brings that feeling you get when you lock eyes with that oooone special person i think u know who, or like for example when you talk to someone from across a crowded space just through like facial expressions and eye movements, i think it really portrays that vibe
[Verse 2] I dreamt I was here before Above wet pavements Across deep blue skies she would soar Leaving her engravement And everything sunk its stress But for my drunken mess And if the pain compress Then it's something less to explain
[Verse 3] I felt this fear before I miss my best ailment Bruising on my right side feels so With thoughts of her displacement And if there was nothing left But for this strange deep rest And the screams from my chest
personally just stuck in realityl, stuck being on earth stuck being alive. something preventing you from disappearing
[Chorus] And it all falls back into place The prisoner's skull The prisoner's brains Were beat to a pulp The dreams told me I dreamt I was here before I dreamt I was here before A cloudy view
[Outro] I dreamt I was here before I dreamt I was here before Must have dreamt I was here before I dreamt I was here before
please complete thee
perfecto miserable
alone, omen 3
energy fleets (took me a little)
airport antenatal airplane
comet face
theme for the cross
stoned again
(dont let the dragon) draag on
the dream
PSA : MY MEmory is so awful pls bear with me if i forger somethying mods&gd reqs my gders: ill either poke you bi-weekly, or monthly, depending on your declared availability
2023 toybot neilperry pocket den0 j1 2024 DEa D!!!!!
FUC K this game everything just seems to be numbness around
neptunian blue oceans above, brutal concrete structures surround, as tiny ships leave their trails freely upon the levitating sea, i remain enclosed in this colosseum of grief