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ItzArtic's Modding History

will fix these in line with and rework end section
im a bit unsure about what fully overlap means but i will make them stacked
i agree, i will also change 01:26:166 (1) - which is similar
it is meant to follow the filler piano here, i do the same throughout this section 01:17:333 (1,1,1) - with low spacing. i do not think it would be appropriate to ignore it at this point since i always map it during the rest of the section
for me it is better to keep nc here as i want to visually separate the ukulele sounds that are in groups of three from the filler piano noises inbetween them. i understand nc my be a bit much in this section but it is what i think works best for what i am trying to portray. i will probably not change unless there is an important reason
good idea
done, not sure how this happened, i was seeing this in aimod but was not sure what problem was, copy pasting again fixed this
removed, thank you, i originally added these before hitsounding and forgot to remove them when i was done
thank you for all of the feedback, i will get to work on resolving these but may take a while due to it being exam week for me
looks good
i made changes according to above comment but still keeping this open cause im not sure about this
oop sorry i did not see this till now, so i should put timing point on down beat (00:10:666) to keep the musical structure of the timeline (big white ticks on down beats) but the 2 notes before should still be snapped to 00:10:666 offset right? in this case should i have two timing points here? i think if you could send me an image of what the timing at this point should look like, it would be very helpful
changes have been made on all diffs according to my above comment (timing point moved to 00:10:333 on all diffs) but i am keeping this open because i want a second opinion on it
im pretty sure it starts at 00:10:333 please listen to the two notes before 00:10:666 when there is an offset at the start of the map, they are late
looks good 👍
actually might be good to play around with color i just gave because it blends too well in with actual background but original point that it needs to be brighter stands
ngl its still quite bad, i think you need to lighten the color because any color at this brightness will be hard too see on 100% bg dim something like red: 26, Green: 64, Blue: 60 or even 22, 54, 51 works quite well as it matches the greenish hue of the background and is quite dark while still standing out against a black background. you could play around with the color a bit but i dont advise going any less bright than this
same for similar patterns in the map 01:26:450 (1,2,3) - 02:24:950 (1,2,3) - 02:36:950 (1,2,3) - 03:36:950 (1,2,3) - 03:48:950 (1,2,3) - 04:12:950 (1,2,3) - for stuff like this where there is no vocals on each beat i think its ok to keep like this if you want but you could also consider changing it to a similar pattern as above with lower spacing.
fixed with new remap
i did it but still not sure im happy with it currently, i just cant seem to map it in a way i am happy with, i might come back later but for now it is fine
its not always combo starter but the first piano note of each repeat is 3/4
I adjusted anything i saw that was spaced a noticeable amount more than it should have been and fixed all timeline suggestions. There is still going to be slight differences in spacings for many things because i did not use distance snap and mapped with aesthetics in mind. The strong drum beat in repeating part is spaced more for emphasis (ex: 00:41:999 (3) )and the start of the next repeat is also spaced more to emphasize start of pattern (ex: 00:42:333 (1) ). These are spaced more or less purely off aesthetics but do not have a big enough difference from pattern to pattern that it is noticeable in the difficulty of the pattern when playing. there are a few other things that are spaced more for emphasis but it should not be issue. for now i will say this is done but please let me know if you see anything else that needs to be fixed
fixed i think. it is kind of hard for me to understand what is bad and what isnt at this level but i changed it so it doesnt overlap perfectly and readjusted ending section to be distance spaced since i forgot to when i did the rest of the map
fixed on normal diff
I think i will map it as 1/4 but im still considering whether i want to do the same on hard diff, i will come back to this when i am done with other mods
ok i will lower sv, ty for feedback
i think this is meant to be on normal diff, i will change it, i did not know this was bad
shit you right i misunderstood original comment
fixed! ty
i changed it to a way that i think is more clear but im not sure
understandable, i have never mapped something this easy so i was unsure about a lot of things, i think i will just remap with strict distance snap
increased spacing to better show 1/1 gap
yes i did nc to emphasis the groupings of three at the end but it doesnt make much sense because i do no nc like this for most of the section. fixed
yes, fixed
fixed, this was something i was originally considering when i first made the map but i ended up doing no spacing since these are the longest stretches of only 1/2 circles (i was just gonna have the nc and turn in flow emphasize it instead) but it definitely makes more sense to space them sense thats what i do for the entire rest of the section
fixed both
refer to my reply on sunshine diff, again i can be convinced with a good enough argument but for now i think it is fine to not map synths
think problem here was that 00:14:333 (4) - was more spaced than it should have been, reduced spacing to make 1/1 gap more clear
i use repeating sliders here to represent the wobbliness of the noise (if that makes sense). It should be fine because the way it plays means you do not have to move your cursor at all on the short repeating sliders. and there is clear sounds on each of the slider reverses. For me, the current pattern feels more fitting then normal sliders but i can change it if i hear convincing argument