MyAimSuck_ isn't so great? Are you kidding me? When was the last time you saw a player with such aim ability and movement with a mouse? MyAimSuck_ puts the game on another level, and we will be blessed if we ever see a player with his skill and passion for the game again. Whitecat breaks records. Mrekk breaks records. MyAimSuck_ breaks the rules. You can keep your statistics. I prefer the magic
24/10/2020: FC -HDHR AI NO SUKIMA [EMOTIONS] and Pass Freedom Dive [Another] 06/01/2022: earned about 130 overall pp FC HDDT AI NO SUKIMA (EXPERT) 461pp
16/07/2022: Started training ar11 sike c'était ennuyant
Will map every banger of Sanah and Billie Eilish one day
Reach 5 digits (May 2020) Reach 4 digits (25 dec. 2020) Padoru / Padoru Fatfan Extreme HDHR SS 381pp During Christmas lol Reach top 5000 (20/07/2022) Bluenation HD acc fix with a top 2 global leaderboard on Minchoui Nan 500pp: 24/07/2022 KUCHIZUKE DIAMOND HDDT 505pp ASDHD0IUQBDU0QSBDQOPDBQXD 600pp: 10/09/2023 Glory Days NM 618pp APRES 5 MOIS DE CHOKES 600 700pp: 24/04/2024 Remote control HDDT 749pp aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Reach 3 digits Reach 2 digits Become the greatest player on osu! Stream 200bpm constantly (currently 200) Stream 270bpm Singletap max. 250bpm (currently 260) Have my first 400pp from an unusual pp map ✅ (Shounen Ripples +HD 27/11/2020) FC Mynarco Addiction +HDHR - beatmapsets/323329#osu/718679
Control your mindset. Practice and training works. Make sure your area and & grip is fit for you. Make sure the switch you are using is fit for you. Mouse and tablet don't make a difference if you think it is right for you. believe in yourself. - Mr. Ekk, 2020