people who don't play hidden people who hide their online status left handed people BMW drivers people who drive in the passing lane while not passing anyone (worst on this list) score farmers (superiority complex) speed traps speed players trap music player music (??) RedBull F1 management (Yuki deserved the seat for 2025) 14 year olds with too much free time lifted truck drivers (your headlights are blinding me) insider trading internalized homophobia Kansas City residents STEM majors combo scaling removal hollow earth deniers hand sweat replacing your pen grip and it never feeling the same after index + middle playstyle raketapping having a bad tapping day people who use do not disturb mode on discord players who drag Corsair keyboards the bubbles I accidentally made in my tablet cover hydroplaning Ronald Regan people who park too close to my driver's side door following a slow car on a back road Charizard EX in the pokemon TCG Celebi EX in Pokemon TCG Pocket micro USB cables micro USB ports Round1 erasable pens artificial lights >4000K