-Eus : He accompanied me on learning cliking circles -CamelliNya, na-gi and TorBro, ohmyga : they are good guiders or friends met in osu! beginner group, I miss the time we talking, farming and multiplaying together -ONE OK ROCK and HowRengar : I just like thier mapping style and music taste. Fall taught me sth about mapping but I'm bad ;w; -mofuries : she's cool ez player who inspired me a lot practicing ez mod -Sipsu : I respect his passion and patience on this game, we play osu! with ez mod ^^ -Toxicantmmc : You're special ❤
... 2019/10/28: 4kpp (thanks to Taeyang, ez 214pp even choked unfortunately) 2019/11/3 : first 4.9stars EZDT FC on Miniministop Hitoyasumi no Uta 2019/11/22: 4k5pp (thanks to Taeyang again lmao) 2020/6/7: 5kpp (kani kani kani kani kani kani~) 2020/7/1: 30k rank √ ...