modder info

Linlime's Modding History

you just hyped the pentagon
yeah alright, spiced it up a bit with a small trill in each one
youre right that they are quite similar to the hard diff streams. though i do like keeping this simple structure here since this is a similar flow throughout the difficulties with keeping this quite simple. changing this up kinda feels a little weird looking at the patterning on the insane then so idk lmk what you think
yeah makes sense. will do!
i can get why this can feel off or weird to look at. though this partially has to do with vocal representation and also a buildup in density to the end of the phrase/ part of the vocals. specifically 00:49:757 (49757|2,49757|0,49757|1,49757|3) - is a quad just like the reapeated cases throughout the chorus to really add on that feeling of the ending of the vocals and into a small break for the other 2 its mostly a density buildup and flow of density and feeling
ah yeah forgor to add that dunno why
I cant find a vocalaud 1 in the tags though if you mean vocaloud 01 that is part of the album title it is from, refrence metadata link
same goes for 00:19:710 , 00:15:350 and 00:28:432
not sure why it was like that. fixed
nicely spotted
sure i dont see why not
yeah agreed. there was a reason for it but forgot so nerfing to single
removed duplicate tag
alright should be good now
oh yeah forgor to remove duplicate tags
oh wait cant update
unsure of what to do now since i see 2 sides here
snapped correctly in all diffs
added tags. fixed preview snap
nice catch
looks quite hard but playing it its fine for the diff, so applied !
applied what i think is correct and nerfed 00:59:657 - to a single note
I like this
yeah good point. applied your suggested pattern
sure thing
2nd one was un purpose but yeah fixed both anyway
alright did something like it. hand for any snare into a single note jack. and jump for any snare into another jump jack
I should have fixed the listed issues to the best of my capabilities
revv wants to keep revv. did add new ign to tags
gd'er and i discussed and this feels like it goes directly against the mods given in timeline. also including some more jumps should be fine when compared to the new normal and updated hard
moved around some notes to hopefully balance it a lil better
applied this personally
i was aware yes. already discussed this with bn. but ill change to the right snap with the middle one left out for upper 2 diffs
I personally feel that this would make sense for diff spread with the new normal so ill apply it
-I remapped the the 1st and 3rd kiai to be way more jack and it should be more in line now with the top diff. -I previously nerfed the patterning in the hard difficulty since i felt 1/6th rolls were out of place in the map. i guess ill nerf the top diff but that does take away fun for the player - I tried buffing the 1/4th where possible. didn't wanna go t overboard and have jumps in the middle of bursts since that goes against rc
from what i have seen this has been resolved while buffing the normal to an advanced
ill try my best to fix it
alrighty i already started working on a new normal