Вау, я вообще по правде говоря не знаю, есть ли тут проблемы с твоей мапой... Ну типо, для 4* такой паттерн пойдет. Удачи с мапой!
Nice map! No issues were found. Some sounds were not charted, but I guess it is your priorities. In general, is a playable fun map, goodluck with ranking!
00:00:150 - It kinda feels un-synchronized. Try to change the offset of BPM to 300. After that, synchronize all notes to the sounds and move inherited points by using "Use Current Time" on 1/4 beats.
Great Tip: Select all of your notes, then, press CTRL+C and delete them by clicking on File > Clear All Notes, before changing BPM of beatmap. It would economy your time with synchronizing notes to the sounds. After you've done with changing your BPM, press CTRL+V in the beginning of the song to paste them again.
02:04:236 - This double over there are identifying as a hi-hat, as you know, this sound have a low prioritize to be doubled. So.. I think you should make it a single note and maybe re-chart those quad-jacks, like from this screenshot: https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/18469093/66f1