02:28:003 (1,2) - this looks weird to me, not sure why they wouldn't just work as normal curved sliders.
02:06:669 (1) - Same thing with the wave slider, looks better to me if it was just a slight curve pointing up.
02:07:503 (2) - Making it a straight slider looks cleaner.
01:54:669 (1) - Wave sliders look weird if they're not pointing Up, down, left or right. I suggest rotating it by about 30 degrees or so to not make it look weird.
also ugly overlap with 01:54:003 (5) -
01:15:003 (1) - I think you should atleast leave a 1/6th gap to avoid any playability issues.
01:02:669 (1,2,3) There's a held vocal here, why isn't it just a long slider/ 1/4th circles.
Adressing ignoring beats in favor of the vocals, it's an established concept that I think fits much better and that this was used by Val0108 https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/48979#osu/151229 where he repeatedly put streams where there's nothing supporting them, but by being consistent he with that. it made sense and I'd like to believe I did the same here.
2nd point is completely fair, I'm too inexperienced to effectively incorporate ignored beats without making the map a bigger mess than it already is. I will just have to force myself to do this in my next maps when I'm more comfortable actually making a structured map in the first place.
fixed everything there, my bad I had completely forgotted those.
Spacing is infact weird and a bit random
Been trying to fix overlaps throughout the map as you told me, it's hard for me to notice them as a player so it's hard for me to notice them as a mapper too
This goes back to me struggling to put jumps, I do agree there's some weird flow in some places.
I had tried to make one for that I thought were minor but noticable changes in the song with the mentality that more NCs would be better than less
This also goes back to spacing and jumps and seems to be a more fundamental issue with my mapping that drags down alot of other parts.
New combos already did look consistent in my eyes, I'm pretty sure this is just general inexperience and lack of awareness of what I should look out for, maybe this will come with time as I understand more and more what I should make a new combo or not
ok I did that and moved 00:07:628 (1) - to blanket then added a slider here00:08:359 (1) - followed by 2 notes here 00:08:725 (2,3) - (I'm guessing Ill have to update the map for it to make sense)
Updated map uploaded
The rather easy part of the map is meant to be a buildup and this may come down to just preference and coming from a player background, I feel like the peak difficulity isn't as bad as you portrayed it to be.
This is purely my opinion tho, I just felt as if they way things are spaced effectively represents the intensity