Raidzie || He's going to make it to 1 digit to get us out the hood. Please do it soon its so rough out here. There's roaches, and I see someone with a gun-
Clerics || He has too many similarities with mrekk, and me and froot have even caught both of them getting online at the same time. I'm convinced its just mrekk while he's limiting himself somehow.
frootboops || Future best if he put in the effort, but we're all spared -1 rank because he doesn't care.
Cloudical || The alternate version of me where I was born in the UK and pushed skill cap instead of fundamentals.
cfunkyy || I have never seen someone lose 400pp from a rework before....
cumsiut || Going a few months strong without a username revert.
r0botonic || Me and him were the same rank at one point and now we're literally 78k away from each other. Unbelievable...
Mystic_Bubble || I would not have gotten into this game if not for the fact that i took a day off of school to go into multi and meet him and wolf. My first ever real osu friend that taught me the real reason for playing might not be setting scores, personal enjoyment, or gaining pp, but the friends you meet along the way (unintentional pun because I refer to him as "way".)
TheChokeLord || "Wolf" Was all the company I had after way temporarily quit. Part of the reason I am the person I am today as well. Also chokes literally everything, ever.
LilAuldStar || There is no joke or witty remark, rank his maps now. I'm deadass right now, I am so sick of seeing shitter maps ranked but not his. Now beatmap nominators you have 32 months. Do not test me or I will seriously harm-
First five star fc at 5days 9hours and 33 minutes. Future me may not care but the current Solr does! Current Solr has barely improved at 10d and 19hours of playtime. Stuck? 11d 10 hours set my second highest play for 161pp and my highest nomod play of 132 at 9hrs so if youre stuck just play maps like a star level higher than you're use to and old maps with insane mod combinations I guess? FIRST 200 pp (227 yoru no kodomo-tachi mortem's nocturnal HDDT 97% FC) Set on 2/24/21 at 15d 14h 47m of playtime LETS GO! At 15d 16h 33m I HIT 5 DIGIT FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER LETS GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ALMOST 3 FUCKING YEARS OF PLAYING. First 6 star FC at 22D 2h playtime on Spread Wings DT, about time.