Don't hesitate to chat or spectate, i always like to have someone arround. If you need some advice, just ask me ingame or read the Manifesto
I'm someone who focuses on Accuracy over combo and prefers slow and technical maps over fast jumpy maps. I play everything now. I also played Hidden before it was cool c: (Hidden only player since ~2013/14, the ar7 and 8 era) Guess I'm also not hidden only anymore. it's time to learn NM and EZ.
120BPM = 251.67 (Yes my fingercontrol sucks) (for some reason there is no 130bpm diff) 140BPM = 116.06 150BPM = 110.01 160BPM = 92.15 170BPM = 115.31 180BPM = 296.99 (I lose stamina at around 75%)
I assume you came here, because you are looking for help and I, or someone (Taro? :>) who believes in the advice I am giving here is worth reading, sent you here.
First I would like to adress the Mindset: Your main goal should always be to get the closest you can to 100% accuracy. Generally looking at your 100's and 50's at the end, is a more accurate way to see if you improve, because you should at all times ignore the drive to keep combo for the cost of accuracy. Panic only causes bad habits. In my opinion 100's and 50's are worse than misses, when it comes to practicing. If you improve at accuracy, aim will be easier to improve aswell. Should you struggle on some of the maps to survive, put on no fail, so you can really focus on technique and not worry about missing and dying too much.
Anyone who wants to Improve at streaming and fingercontrol in general, should start on low BPM maps, like 120 BPM and slowly work their way up. While it might sounds boring, it's probably the most efficient way to improve your streaming skills and accuracy in general. I will link some Beatmaps below that I used to play every day, for at least a year and still play them today to warm up sometimes, but keep in mind, playing every day is probably counterproductive, so let your fingers (and more importantly your mind) rest. It can be very beneficial to take 2 or 3 (or even more) days off sometimes. You will be suprised how much you improve after a little bit of derusting. I've also added some maps that are similar and are, in my opinion, a good addition to what I had access to in 2012.
You can do whatever you like with those maps and the advice. It's not a magic thing that will make you improve instantly, rather something that is likely to improve you faster, if you do stick to practicing constantly. It is important to identify your weaknesses and find fitting maps to work on them, for example: if you cannot stream at all, it doesn't make any sense to practice on streammaps that have crazy difficult streammovement, because it will be really difficult to figure out if you:
moved your cursor too fast or too slow
tapped too fast or too slow
started tapping too early or too late
did a mixture of all of them.
so find maps to focus on improving your technique and then increase difficulty in some ways (movement/speed) Of course practice is not limited to beatmaps below.