Introduction Yo there, welcome to my (humble) userpage. Since you're here to know more about me, then I suppose I should introduce myself, shouldn't I?
Alright, first thing's first, I'm male. I'm a 3-tailed Kitsune whose attitude may change between those of a Tenko and Nogitsune in random intervals. ...And I'm a lolicon as well. My name is... nah, find out yourself, but I prefer to be called Kyle or Kyril around the internet. ...Or either Kitsura or Taki in the Kitsune society. I'm currently studying Electrical Engineering at the University of Indonesia, and now I'm on my 4th Semester.
I'm a moderate osu!std and Taiko player, although sometimes I play osu!mania as well, and... Ah to heck with it, I can play all modes, or an all-rounder as you call it (though not that good). Prefer Taiko to any other modes, though.
My main skill lies in stream, and beat accuracy, although I can't do a deathstream or anything close to it. Nvm, I can do some of them :p I'm a no-mod player learning HD (or in other words, noobish HD player) on all modes, and I'm a FL player on slow-moving Taiko.
Right now, I'm focusing my plays on Taiko Oni difficulties, while aiming to get that Jack-of-all-Trades achievement. (CtB playcount, please rise faster... ;_;)
I rarely play multiplayer unless my friend(s) asked/invited me to, so I'm not usually found in multiplayer rooms.
Oh yeah, I'm a Touhou fan as well. ...My nickname is a dead giveaway, though, lol.
And uh... don't be surprised if suddenly when you added me (if you actually do so), the status immediately turned into that of "Mutual". I'm a random guy who randomly adds people if they caught my interest (even if it's only a tiny bit!).
My Playstyle Osu!Std: Logitech G-300 Mouse on 2500 Dpi and 1.5x Sensitivity + Any keyboard (W/D) Taiko: WD-JK Since my M-Tech keyboard I usually use for Taiko is broken on the SDF and JKL buttons, I use 2E-IO for now. CatchTheBeat: Default (LShift + Left/Right) Osu!Mania: Default SDF <Space> JKL
Side note: I like to singletap every shit note as long as the chain of notes is not very long, and of course, not very fast. Some of my Taiko records are done in singletaps (considering they don't have some streams or what-the-shit deathstreams in them).
The singletap capability in my osu!std is noticeably much weaker than my Taiko's, however, due to my left hand is not as good as it was. You might notice I play alternate on some std maps. (Not that I would pass those, though)
Aaaaand, my skin >>> [Kitsune Project v0.2] (Need review on this, should you find yourself using my skin, please give me some feedback :3)
On a side note, I'm a fanfiction writer, currently working on a Touhou fanfiction as well as an Original Story of mine. Have the same hobby? Feel free to PM me! Currently...: Main Story: 35,438 Words inputted (Approx. 7% Completion) (on Hiatus) Side Story: 1,281 Words inputted (Approx. 4% Completion) (on Hiatus) Original Story: 6,093 Words inputted (Approx. 1% Completion) (on Hiatus)
Note: Currently experiencing writer's block that I can't add anything good to my stories right now.
Shiroemon Best online friend, and my partner in FPS games (mostly Battlefield) The one who introduced osu! to me, and the one who taught me basically everything here. Too bad I rarely see him ingame now...
Lightning Wyvern HR master and my rival in Taiko, as well as someone who told me I was #8 in my country ranking (lol). Also... a fellow lolicon and kitsune lover (yaaaaay~)
XK2238 HD master and sort of my HD teacher. (y u so pro??)
YielShelion My very close friend, and also a partner in FPS games, as well as fellow Touhou fan. Ex-o2jam player who taught me osu!mania.
Valzerion Close friend in college, one of my Taiko students (lol). Rival of rednox45
rednox45 Close friend in college, also my Taiko student. Rival of Valzerion.
Casey Zenit Fellow Deathstreamer, and a rival of some sort (howdoyoudomadmachine...)
To those who wanted to chat with me, note that the languages I currently understand are Indonesian and English.
Well, I'm also learning Japanese bit by bit and by myself, though, and currently my vocabulary is soooooo tiny that I don't understand what most Japanese people say, so expect me to not understand 90% of your statements if you speak Japanese to me :3 I can read hiragana and katakana, but I'm still working out my (so epicly low) skill on reading those kanji.
Now that I (somehow) reached rank above 150 500 on Taiko, some people started spectating me out of the blue. Well, what I want to say is, don't be disappointed if I don't play as good as you expected from a high-ranking player. As I stated above, I'm just a moderate player seeking to have some fun in this game, bashing my keyboards to hit those notes.
Don't expect me to play Taiko difficulties so well that I can go FC almost any Oni difficulties without problems. I'm mainly play Taiko on those osu!std difficulties, and I still do some epic, out-of-the-blue, unneeded fails most of the time. If you want to see someone FC a batshit insane Oni (or Inner Oni, or Ura Inner Oni, or whatever the heck the difficulty name is), go spectate someone pro-er instead. :p
Long ago, I didn't want to join in the chat in my country's channel due to me being so noob. Now, I still rarely join the chat, due to the so many new players acting as if they own the place.
But even though I don't type-and-enter something in the public chat, doesn't mean that I'm not there. I'm a silent reader who at random times might butt in the chat for a few seconds, then disappear again before anyone notices.
...I still do reply to any PM anyone (I repeat: ANYONE) sent me, though. So if you want to chat with me, go ahead and send me a PM. (Don't be afraid, I won't bite. I'll just burn you with my foxfire, huehuehue)
Well, you could also hook me in the public chat by mentioning me. But you gotta keep me entertained with whatever-the-heck topic is being discussed in if you want me to stay active longer in that channel.
Note that... I could be a blabbermouth (hands?) in #multiplayer, lol.
On the other hand, I hate people who spectate me for a while, then stopped after seeing me miss/retry in the middle of the song, then tell me that they FC'ed the song that I was playing in their first try after that.
Meh, please, you're better than me? So be it, no need to rub it on my face like you are far beyond superior than the oh-so-inferior me. You want my attention and respect? Then stop showing off your skill as if you're unbeatable in every aspect no matter what I do. I'd give you my respect if you do the same to me.
I don't care if you're better than me, at least show some respect to the players inferior to you, and I believe you will receive their respect as well.
Well, that's that for now, will add more things here when I want to, but later. (Might gonna add random pics later on... (Should I add a hatelist...? Nah, I tend to quickly forgot the people I hate, anyway))