[size=150]I AM DT GARBAGE :C Enjoying being bullied by Senpais, I like being stepped on by senpais UWU Hit me up uwu
The Squad
Thanks to Miguen, Razydroke, DarkFTW, Sentimentall for beinge there when everyone turn their backs on me. thanks to Eurua, Kaneko303, Lollimoto, Slaviclemon, Arithe for being good friends. Thanks to : Nayrus, Mamotto, Oblivous, Beatrix, icoudentthink, for being there to help me derust and having fun in game. Thanks to : eTsundere, Koenig_Michi, Eliso0606, Unamiii, Roller and other shitmissers for enjoying game with me and helping me in game as well! Also Thanks Miguen again Because if it was not him i would not be back in place i am here. The person thats never left me and will be forever remembered by me even if one day we stop playing osu!game.