there's a lot of triplets that are not really supposed to be triplets. I don't think this is intentional but it can make it hard to play because the notes don't match up with the music which puts less emphasis on parts where triplets actually appear in the song. if you don't want to get rid of the silent triplets maybe add more emphasis on the triplets through spacing that match up with the song.
01:26:839 (1,2) -01:27:427 (4,5) - doubles are kind of uncomfortable to play maybe separate them since the double is on two very strong notes in the song
00:26:741 (4) - theres not really a sound here might want to remove it. i think you should break the slider 00:26:447 (3) into two circles or have the slider facing a different direction than the flow to 00:26:447 (3,5) - the 5th note.
00:27:417 (1) - maybe turn this into a slider and a circle. make the circle here 00:27:692 - and stack on 00:27:830 (2) - because the sound is the same.
02:31:511 (1) - i think you should change this slider because it makes it seem like 02:31:152 (5,1) - these two sounds are the same or maybe make 02:31:152 (5,6) - into a triplet because the kick sounds are suited for a triplet