I sniped zestiny's fc by an ~5% accuracy however i didnt fced this freaking map because of spacing on the last stream (i had liveplay but i lost this💀) 400 bpm
my first 2k combo play fc doable
my first top 50 leaderboard on a ranked map
pog score idk how i passed this cuz there's HP 9.1
not bad
10.97* c rank 330 bpm streams. jumps harder than streams lol
400 bpm streams easiest 4th 9* fc
1 hour of hard part of an original map
bi (i have 92% run with an autopilot)
3281 notes of 200 bpm stream
2k+ notes of 190 bpm streams
my first 7 star fc but autopilot. at least i singletapped all of jumps. got three 9* fc's before first 7 star lol
after almost a year im finally get a c rank. good combo tho. but autopilot
LOL so good
there's 1 hr pass on top 50 leaderboard
fucking finally i got c rank on this hard map with mine new technique
fock yeah. at last i got 60% acc after trying this map for a 2 months. hr just makes violation and deceit easier
wanna get an A rank but im still suck at spaced streams
fine pass. i can get an A rank if my aim will improve
b rank doable
techno-alt map
improvement at spaced streams
great play
my liveplay + isogu 370 bpm fc 9,24 StarRate (my 3rd 9* fc) (n' the second one liveplay on Eiji Kuinbii 340 bpm edit https://youtu.be/mGQKzM1PEGQ)
Merami isn't so great? Are you kidding me? When was the last time you saw a player with such stream ability and movement with a tablet? Merami puts the game in another level, and we will be blessed if we ever see a player with his skill and passion for the game again. Whitecat breaks records. Vaxei breaks records. Merami breaks the rules. You can keep your statistics. I prefer the magic.