I was heart broken when I found out that this is not ranked, after I made FC play on [Shiny Jumps]
This is so good map tho
Man, you HAVE to look for nominators, this map cannot be wasted
The original plan was to map a 3* (as usual if you look at my graveyard), but then I heard the stream part and I didn't want to make a 3* with stream section. I also didn't want to oversimplify an entire section because I wanted the song to kinda "map itself" if you know what I mean. Let the song itself set the difficulty, speed etc. I also heard the 1-2s and my dirty farmer's instinct woke up lol. So yeah, this was the reason for mapping it like that. However Extra will stay as the highest difficulty and I wanna map Insane, Hard/Advanced, Normal and I'm thinking about 0.7-1.1* beginner difficulty too.
The breaks, I wanted to map them but I'm not sure how yet, without it looking out of place to the rest of the map so I'm still figuring it out and will be done 100%, if you mean the 1-2 tick gaps then I just simply have no clue how to do it without it becomming worse so the 1-2 tick gaps are gonna stay intentionally on this difficulty as I feel like with my current skill, trying to fill them would make the map worse.
However I will fix as many sliders ending on hard sounds as possible so thank you for the timeline <3
Mapped the last break. I feel like for the 2 star map this is the best moment to place it anyways so I left the first 2 breaks unmapped
I'm not sure if it's correct if I say that this is intentional but this is what I had in mind. I wanted to have few bigger jumps there and to give some time for the player to aim there since it's a 3 star
I think this comment lost context due to few small reworks in this difficulty cuz I can't seem to understand what you mean ;_;
I'll mark it as resolved but if I'm wrong, could you elaborate?