The title of the song is not "Erebus"--that's the name of the Geometry Dash level. The title of the song is "Event Horizon".
The time signature of the song is 5/4
The genre is definitely not Jazz, it's electronic
Suggest adding "Trancecore" and "Hardcore" to the Tags, as these help with searching the song since these are the genres.
This jack has been unchanged as of these past 5 months, I will not resolve this until I've been explicitly told that it's either "Okay to keep" or "Needs to be removed/Reconfigured".
Yes they are, I felt that a 245 BPM 1/4 stream would be quite much for players of this skill level. I didn't really have any ideas on what to do for simplicity.
If a full on 245 BPM 1/4 stream is good, then please let me know
I initially left this note omitted for diff reasons, but I don't really see the problem with it so I'll add it.