Hey! Playing since 02/18 "Maining" DT but playing lots of alt and speed-tech. Also trying to get good at streaming
Other than osu! I'm watching lots of series (not that much recently) and playing games like Hades, Terraria, Hollow Knight and sometimes online games like cs, 2knba or league (generally indie games enjoyer) If you want to play with me or just chat hmu on discord or add me on Steam Yes I am lefthanded playing tablet with right hand. What are you gonna do about it?
switched to tablet 28/03/2018 1Kpp 30/03/18 4 star fc 05/04/2018 First 100pp play 29/04/18 1K combo 28/05/2018 2Kpp 18/07/18 5 star fc 20/08/2018 7* pass/airman pass 09/09/2018 5 digit 21/09/2018 3Kpp 30/01/2019 First 200pp play 06/02/19 Year of clicking circles 16/02/19 3,5kPP 20/03/19 6* 1sb 22/03/19 HDHR 200pp score 22/03/19 4Kpp 27/09/19 6 star fc 27/09/19 2 Years of clicking circles 16/02/20 10 of my replays watched by strangers, im almost famous 02/20 8* pass 10/11/20 First 300pp play 19/12/20 4,5kPP 19/12/20 6* perfect combo 22/12/20 50k rank global 09/01/21 2.5k rank PL 16/01/21 3 Years of clicking circles 16/02/21 5kPP 22/02/21 5,5kPP 22/04/21 lvl 100 on std 22/04/21 6kPP 22/05/21 comitted to playing left-handed 14/04/23 quit on left hand 19/04/23
Current highest burst BPM: 275 Current highest stream BPM: 263 Current highest death stream BPM: 200 Current huge death stream BPM (100+ notes): 175 Updated 19/02/22 (It's basically the highest BPM i can manage with good acc on comfortable stream patterns, duh)