4K 7th dan v2 96.27% at 2023.01.05 (not so popular these days) 4K Reform 7th dan 96.61% at 2022.11.24 4K Reform 8th dan 95.21% at 2023.01.14 (I really think I can pass it about ten days before that, but after finishing my final project my skills fall dramatically...) 4K Reform 8th dan 96.33% at 2023.05.05!!! 4K LN 8th dan(by underjoy) 97.60% at 2023.03.12 4K LN 9th dan 96.73% at 2023.05.05 4K LN 9th dan 97.05% at 2023.09.09 (Coincidence?) 4K LN 10th dan 96.78% at 2024.02.16 (Destoryed at the final song) I'll try xfpsb LN dan later. xfpsb LN Advanced 1st dan 96.54% clear at 2023.06.03(96.50%+ at scoreV2 to clear)
Now learning to play 6K/7K! 6K Regular 1st dan 96.07% at 2023.02.12 6K Regular 2nd dan 94.44% at 2023.03.18 6K Regular 2nd dan 96.01% at 2023.05.05 6K Regular 3rd dan 93.07% at 2023.05.05 6K Regular 4th dan 96.45% at 2024.01.19 6K LN 3rd dan 95.05% at 2023.03.19 (Yeah my LN skill is probably better) 6K LN 4th dan 94.01% at 2023.05.06 6K LN 4th dan 95.46% at 2023.06.10 6K LN 5th dan 95.09% at 2023.09.09 6K LN 6th dan 95.16% at 2024.01.06 6K LN 7th dan 94.34% at 2024.01.21 <- skipped lol 6K LN 8th dan 95.46% at 2024.06.02 <- Perhaps I've chocked at 7th dan for too long...
7K 0th dan 92.86% at 2023.03.16 7K Regular 0th dan 96.97% at 2024.01.27 (Finally...) 7K LN 0th dan 95.15% at 2023.03.16 7K LN 1st dan 95.55% at 2023.12.16 7K LN 2nd dan 96.45% at 2024.04.05
Actually I achieved 4K Reform 6th dan in 2019 and achieved my highest rank in 2020, but I stopped playing after I entered college... Now I don't have so much energy in playing and my stamina drain easily, I'm just trying to achieve higher scores before I completely cannot play this game any more. Switching to Gamemode:LN since I can't play well in regular now. 老死前多打几把。别老说自己老了打不动了,我18岁过的6段三年之后还能回坑过7段,打到手指动不了了才算真打不动了。
I temporarily quitted playing in second half of 2023 due to preparing for the Postgraduate Enrollment Examination. Now back for a while.
I'm totally noob in mapping. Now trying to map some 6K. You can use any of my maps freely either for tournament or compiling practice packs, just PM me so that I can know it.
I hope all 4K players can play 6K/7K or more keys for a while since it's really fun and a different game I think.
(4K和多Kpp不分家->玩4K死路一条) (了转反,End Time DT能打上1000pp->你随手打个270LN大切给我看看) 与其整变成vibro的对拍,rank一堆LN我已经能接受了(其他什么280大切160大叠的常规rank图俺不会就不锐评了) rank图不是急着冲排名少打,到时候鸡儿本事没学到还养成暂停的臭毛病,人均老头了属于是。 (有段时间我无限暂停刷了一个星期的pp结果两分钟的图都打不下来了,警钟长鸣!)
Q: How are levels developed? 等级是怎么来的? A: The 6K difficulty used in 6K community is implemented using square brackets, like [Level]. The levels are developed from a Chinese rhythm game 'Rhythm Master'(actually a revision of the Korean mobile rhythm game TapSonic), where 6K is one of the gamemodes. The levels of original Rhythm Master are up to 10, and the community graded fan-made charts using similar level standards, ensuring that the gap between every level is smooth and adequate (For example, it takes similar practice on average from [13] to [14] and from [16] to [17]). 6K社区使用的难度标级用方括号[等级]表示。等级来源于节奏大师的等级,在早先的节奏大师中难度最高为10,因此社区自制谱使用了相似的标级方式,保证每一级间的难度差距均匀且大体相等,如[13]到[14]的难度间隔与[16]到[17]相同,即所需的平均练习时间大体相同。
Q: What about dan courses? 段位又是怎么来的? A: The dan courses of 6K have gone through a very long history, developing from Rhythm Master to fulfilling osu!mania standards. The latest dan courses include the 6K Regular Dan Courses made by Arkman and 6K LN Dan Courses made by [Crz]sunnyxxy. Regular Dan Coursed focus on players' regular rice pattern skills, sequentially jack, tech, stamina and speed. Jack maps contain both jack and a bit of other patterns for coordination, tech maps contain both high speed and minijacks and other patterns for overall ability, stamina maps aim at dense streams and brackets, finally speed maps are usually high-speed light chordstreams. Regular Dan courses now contain dans from Start Dan to 9th Dan. The level of Start Dan is 10.5, while for others the difficulty of nth dan is n+10.99. For example, the difficulty of 5th Dan is 15.99, meaning its difficulty is top [15] or easiest [16]. A Terra Dan(地段) is made under old dan courses which is not on osu, you can download it in 6K Discord Community. Judging from now the difficulty of Terra is slightly more difficult than current 9th Dan. The latest LN Dan Courses made by [Crz]sunnyxxy consists of 4 parts: Hybrid, Speed LN, Inverse and Release. The LN Dan Courses seems does not follow the difficulty rules very well as the environment of LN has changed greatly since the course's release. The wide use of nail skins has greatly declined the difficulty of LN maps, especially in first two parts of the course. A small detail you should remind is that the scroll speed of last two stages of a LN Dan map are intentionally reduced to 0.95x. Current LN Dan courses now contains Start Dan to 9th Dan, and extra dans of 10th to 14th (地(Terra),天(Celestial),玄(Mystery),虚(Nihility),终(Finish)). The difficulty of Finish Dan(14th) is slightly easier than 7K LN Stellium Dan deleted column 4. 6K段位经历了很长的一段历史,从节奏大师到适应osu!mania其他段位的设计。目前最新的段位为Arkman制作的常规段位6K Regular Dan Course和[Crz]sunnyxxy制作的LN段位6K LN Dan Course。 常规段位考察玩家的常规键型能力,在一个段位内依次为叠,技,切和乱。叠谱包含叠键及少量其他键型以考察协调能力,技谱包含高速、子弹等综合键型,切谱旨在通过长时间的切换和裤衩键型考察玩家耐力,乱谱主要为高速轻切。目前的常规段位包括Start Dan到9th Dan,除Start Dan难度约为10.5以外,其他第n段的难度为n+10.99,如5段难度为15.99,表示最难的[15]或最简单的[16]。除此之外在6K Discord社区中还可以下载到地段(Terra Dan),由于是基于老段位体系制作的,因此难度仅略高于9段。 由[Crz]sunnyxxy制作的LN段位包含4个部分:综合,高速LN,反键以及放手。段位发布以来LN的环境已发生很大的变化,钉子头皮肤的使用使得LN图的难度大减,尤其是段位的前两个部分,因此可能看起来与难度不太对应。需要注意的是每个段位的最后两首歌的下落速度被刻意调整为原速度的0.95倍。目前的LN段位包括Start Dan到9th Dan,以及额外的10到14段(地(Terra),天(Celestial),玄(Mystery),虚(Nihility),终(Finish))。终段(14段)的难度略简单于7K LN Stellium删空。
Q: How can I find 6K maps to practise? 怎么找练习6K的谱呢? A: Well actually... I break down the stages you will go through into several parts and here are maps you need in different stages. Noob Stage (1~11): Suppose you can just hit the keyboard and always play the easiest charts in commercial rhythm games, then you can start from level [1]. The Community has made a few charts targeting at this stage: QQwiwi has made a whole collection from level 1 to 12. If you don't quite like these technos, try Phukiir(Sillyp)'s 8 Beginner Packs, with levels from 1 to 8. Arkman has made 3 Starter Packs with levels from 7 to 13. Also _IceRain has made 8 Newcomer Packs featuring like YOASOBI, SDVX, Bang Dream and so on. Newbie Stage (11~16): At this time you should be able to pass 6K Regular Start Dan, now you can move on to some REAL 6K charts. One of the mappers you can't ignore is _IceRain, who has made over 300 charts for newbies and is still dedicated to 6K commuinity. Do check his homepage and download the Advanced series, which are 4 series focusing on maps under [16]. Advanced Pack Vol. 1~9, A1~A9, B1~B9 and C1~C9 are all completed and arranged in level order, that's 360 maps in all! Other choices include Arkman collection A1 to A4, and maps in Alipay's and tyrcs's 6K Packs. After these training you can move on to pass 5th dan. Advanced Stage (17~20): Around this stage you have much wider choices and can play most of the charts, so here I will only mention some interesting packs. 6K Endurance Patterns Practice is a fun pack with level from 15 to 20, featuring good stamina training. tyrcs' packs and his loved Collection features a lot of high-difficulty charts, remember no pp for tyrcs! Almost all of tyrcs' 6K charts are of the highest difficulty at the level! _IceRain has also made a high-difficulty series named _IceRain Program, now from A to U. Pack A and B features maps under [18]. Other famous mappers include Arkman, Alipay, SlimeT, [Crz]sunnyxxy, HMillion, Benson_, YuzakiTsukasa and so on. God Stage (20+): You still need more god-like charts? Just check tyrcs' packs, there are abundant 20+ maps with ultimate difficulty. Also you can try pipicat(XDdMo)'s Termination Packs and YuzakiTsukasa's Practice Packs. LN is relatively a smaller part. You can visit Drawn_Lemon's homepage for LN maps from 11 to 20. Other 6K LN mappers include BKwind, Mihyo_San, AhoUsagi(but most charts have been deleted) and so on.