Unranked maps > Ranked maps. Nomod best mod (hr is okay too). I mostly play for my own enjoyment. I REALLY dislike tournaments, please don't invite me. I mostly play stream maps (180 - 220 bpm), jumps can be fun too. I heavily focus on consistency and seriously enjoy long / marathon maps. (thats why my playcount is low compared to my level) My name's origin is a wacky derivation of the word "Cube", which is why it's supposed to be pronounced as Cube. No I am not a huge Naruto or Magi Madoka Magica fan. Unranked PP Sheet
goals as of 26.10.2024 🔳 FC The Sun The Moon The Stars 🔳 FC Libera part I 🔳 FC Existence II: Collision 🔳 A Rank Pain Remains (Trilogy) (eventually FC) 🔳 FC The Forsaken 🔳 FC The Prelude of Bereavement 🔳 FC Unsainted 🔳 FC Winter Madness 🔳 FC Oak 🔳 FC The Way of the Fire 🔳 FC Bam Bam
This list is dedicated to the people who made me the player I am today. The OG homies <3
Cosgho --> The fact that you joined Osu five months after me and I met you while you were around rank ~2k and I was ~60k made me furious—I was incredibly envious of you. But thanks to you, I got into the mindset of not comparing myself to better players but trying to compete with them instead. You also set my standard for consistency, and it’s an incredibly HIGH standard. Truly deserved #1 of Åland Islands.
LightNemesis --> You're the SOLE reason I became a stream player, honestly. Watching you improve back in the day really helped keep me motivated. My entire motivation to get better was always to catch up to you! Seeing you quite literally speedrun through the four-digit ranks made me feel like I wasn’t pushing hard enough and motivated me to try and improve faster
Kauth & Mithrin --> Playing shredding multis with you guys was probably the most painful experience I've ever had in Osu. But thanks to you two, I learned what shredding is, how to improve stamina and speed, and that this game is entirely “no pain, no gain.” I'm trying my best to pass on your legacy; you will always be the best speed/shredding players I know.
Generous peps <3
Stop 1 month of supporter -FlyForFun- 10 months of supporter (bist der beste bdo mate ever <3) Boden (bests 5wc team) (07.06.2022) ImWings a whole ass year of supporter?? you good bro?! (thank you <3) Krosis 1 month of supporter (ez bet)