Grow the PH Tourney Scene Become better at tourneys Get top 5 plays that I actually like (0/5) 200 hits per play Average 400k in this pool (not including hd)
snappyguy - Person who invited me to the PH tourney community. I wouldn't be here in osu! without him Revillica - First dude who I have genuinely talked to and grew closer to. love this man fr Enjiklyx - First friend in the community who I watched grow until quit w. man SilenceSuzuka - He helps me soooo much with my skill issue. teii_ - First non-PH dude I genuinely enjoyed watching. Really cooool person and really good player. Go watch him.
elki - music person 1. reallly fun person to chat and be with Dylann - music person 2. super cool af friend that i really enjoy chatting with -Birds- - music person 3. very funny dude to be around with _aether - really fun and genuine dude to be with, was really hospitable when i was new -Flux - very inviting and hospitable to joining the tourney scene muffleberry - really cool and based person, was inviting and had the most fun convos with her elm3 - man who gave me the best yuri reads so far, super cool dude who I vibe with in sauces B) Kizusu - profile helper, really intresting dude. Secured - helped me develop more speed, really widened my view on dt
really thankful to the people i met in this commmunity because idk where i would be without the people I met, I actually owe alot to this game for what it did during the quarantine. ty everyone <3