My hands are injured since September 2021, I had to quit farming pp cause I can't push my skills from now on RIP Top 1000 in CTB RIP 100% accuracy in Taiko RIP all top plays above 100pp in Mania
Hey Everyone!
I'm NinjaCocktail, a French dude born in 1995. I'm a speedrunner (Youtube): and an Osu! player as a Medal Hunter. I played every modes, my favorite in order: Ctb > Taiko > Mania > Standard. My main goal was unlocking as many medals as I could with my old equipment and skills. Being a 3 digit player in Ctb was my ultimate goal with the Top 1000 medal as a proof. Indeed, this medal gets harder and harder to unlock as time runs out. Top 1000 players get better and better every day! Every other medals are unlockable any time with practice, skills and patience. Having all the medals of dedication and reaching 90% medals unlocked (207/230) ended my Osu! career.
I didn't have a sense of rhythm when I started playing this game with a poor equipment. As a consequence I sucked at Standard, Mania and Taiko. My accuracy was pretty bad and the freezes made everything worse. But I still liked those 3 modes. Catch the Beat has more reflex based mechanics and Half Time reduced drastically the freezes, so decided to go for the top 1000 in Ctb as a HT farmer.
My favorite mods in each mode are: Std: Nightcore and Hard Rock Ctb: Half Time, Hard Rock and Hidden Mania: Nomod and Half Time Taiko: Hard Rock, Perfect and Nightcore
Ctb was my main mode until I reached top 1000, I was a SS and Half Time farmer. Half Time really helped me improving reading and accuracy.
My ranking goals:
Ctb: Reaching top 1000 - done - Peak: 780 Taiko: Reaching top 10000 - done - Peak: 5151 Mania: Reaching top 30000 - done - Peak: 26.5k Std: Reaching top 100k - done - Peak: 96k
My sub goals achieved in chorological order:
150 medals unlocked - done Having a 100pp top play in Std - done FC a 4* map in Std (medal as a proof) - done Passing United (L.A.O.S Remix) in Std - done FC a 5* map in Std (medal as a proof) - done Passing a 6* map in Std (medal as a proof) - done Reaching 2000pp in Std - done Reaching 1000PP in Taiko and Mania- done Unlocking at least 10 medals of Skill in Taiko and Mania combined - done Having more than 10000pp all modes combined - done I've been part of top 20000 global in Taiko - done 160 medals unlocked - done Having a 100pp top play in Taiko - done Unlocking the "Jack of all trades" medals, I'm officially good at everything - done 170 medals unlocked - done Having a 100pp top play in Mania - done I've been part of top 30000 global in Mania - done All medals of dedication unlocked in Mania - done Passing 1* to 6* maps in every Modes (medals as a proof) - done Having more than 2000pp in every mode - done All my top plays in Std are 100pp or above - done 180 medals unlocked - done 190 medals unlocked - done, damn those new medals, they are not valuable to me anymore All my top plays in Taiko are 100pp or above - done Having more than 15000pp all modes combined - done Reaching 2500pp in every mode - done I've been part of top 200 of France in Taiko - done Reaching 3000pp in Taiko - done FC my first 6* map with NM in any mode - done (Aether Ritual Taiko) 200 medals unlocked - done, damn those new medals, again Reaching 3000pp in Taiko with my HRPF 2 keys playstyle - done All Medals of dedication unlocked, finally (-.-), I've almost lost my mind there - done -> 90% of all Medals unlocked, currently 207/230 - done All my top plays in the 4 modes are 100pp or above - done Reaching 100% Hit Accuracy in 1 of the 4 modes - done - Taiko
My sub goals in Osu!Catch before PP rebalanced of May 2020:
Reaching top 10000 in Ctb, then top 5000 (medal as a proof) - done FC a 3* map in Ctb (medal as a proof) - done Having a 100pp top play in Ctb - done Passing a 4* in Ctb (medal as a proof) - done FC a 4* map in Ctb with Half Time - done FC a 4* map in Ctb Nomod (medal as a proof) - done Passing a 5* map in Ctb Nomod (medal as a proof) - done Reaching top 4000, top 3000 and top 2000 in Ctb - done Having a 200pp top play in Ctb with Half Time - done Reaching 4000pp in Ctb - done Having a 250pp top play in Ctb - done I'm part of top 100 of France in Ctb, Yeah! - done I've been part of top 1500 Global in Ctb, Yeah! - done FC a 5* map Nomod in Ctb (medal as a proof) - done (Uso no Hibana [Overdose]) Reaching 5000pp in Ctb - done Passing a 6* map Nomod in Ctb (medal as a proof) - done (Inferno [Overdose]) Having a 300pp top play in Ctb - done (COOLEST 7.05* +HT) I've been part of top 1400 Global in Ctb, Yeah! - done Having 1000 silver SS in Ctb - done I've been part of top 1300 Global in Ctb, Yeah! - done Having a 350pp top play +HT in Ctb - done (AugoEidEs +HT) I've been part of top 75 of France in Ctb, Yeah! - done Passing the 2 Uta maps and IMAGE-MATERIAL (7*) with Half Time in Ctb - done I've been part of top 1200 Global in Ctb, Yeah! - done Having a 300pp play Nomod in Ctb - done Having a 350pp play Nomod in Ctb - done Passing a 7* and 8* map Nomod in Ctb (medal as a proof) - done FC a 6* map with HT and get a 400pp top play in Ctb - done (Inferno [Conflagration]) Reaching 6000pp in Ctb - done Ranked Score over 10,000,000,000 - done I reached the top 1000 Global in Ctb! I've been a 3 digit player! (medal as a proof) - done All my top plays are 200pp or above - done Having 6666pp in Ctb with my Half Time playstyle - done Having 2000 SS in Ctb - done I've been part of top 50 of France in Ctb, Yeah! - done 100 replays watched by others? Ok why not Passing a 8* map with HT - done (MEGALOVANIA 10.28*) FC a 6* map NM in Ctb (medal as a proof) - done (Inferno [Overdose]) Having 7000pp in Ctb with my Half Time playstyle - done FC a 4* converted map in Ctb - done (Diamond Lasse's Extra) Passing Inferno [Conflagration] Nomod (7.11*) - done, finally!! I've been part of top 900 in CTB, I consider myself a good player (not pro though). I've reached a higher rank than ExCell3nt - Done I FCed Inferno Conflagration with HTHR - Done I've been part of top 800 in CTB - Done I consider myself an "above average" Catch player who reached the Pro Tier. I'm done climbing the ranks.
My Osu! pilgrimage is over. If I keep playing, it's for fixing my old scores S to SS or HT to NM (for fun), or to unlock new easy medals.
Thanks a lot Peppy for having created such a fun (but addictive) game. Such a great dedicated community you've made. Let's the best players break records and unlock the hardest Medals, I'm not skilled enough to continue what I started. Almost 2.5 years since I joined and I still don't understand how is it possible to be that good and talented as top players are. I dreamed about being able to play Hard Rock at high level, the most elegant and noble mod in this game for me, but I just can't