10 year old Jamie saw a video of WubWoofWolf on UN Owen Was Her, made an account, and the rest is history.
Played the game on and off until November 2020 when I wanted to snipe my friends scores out of jealousy and self banned
Got unbanned on 27/07/2020 or WYSI Day for the American people, streamed on twitch all the way up to when I hit 5 digit, and then just kinda forgot about it
Made around 3-4 Multiaccounts during the time I was banned cause I was a fucking idiot and regretted me banning myself lmao
I founded The United Nations which was a group of people from all around the world that would have their countries government as their name i.e TheUKGovernment which went well until due to mental health I had to leave.
I'm a play less player, I still do play sometimes but other months I just sorta do my own thing and not really play. but sometimes i try and farm, sometimes I just go for cool country number 1's and global leaderboards. That's pretty much the type of player i am.
osu! Keyboard: Wooting 60he w/ Lubed Stabs (rapid trigger on, 0.1mm actuation, 0.2mm up/downstroke) Main Keyboard Akko5075 Custom Build (Akko Cream V3 Blue's Main Keys & Jelly Blacks in Big Keys i.e Spacebar, Lubed with Krytox205g0 and Foam Modded) Mouse: Logitech G502x Hero @ 1350dpi NM 1x In Game & 1450dpi DT 1x In Game Main Monitor: Acer XV252QF" (390hz, 1920x1080) Second Monitor: MSI G242 Non Curved 24" 165HZ Third Monitor: MSI G242 Non Curved 24" 165HZ
I rarely ever map anything. If I'm mapping something, take a screenshot and buy a lottery ticket honestly, want to get better though, probably map farm and actual good songs eventually. please someone teach me if you're willing
Get a score posted on Cpol Pog 500 pp play 16/08/2023 600 pp play 10/03/2025 csr... zzzzz 700 pp play 3/20/2024 epitaph... man. 800 pp play 900 pp play 1k pp play reach #1 on a global leaderboard and keep it for >30 days 16/07/2024 reach <5k 26/10/2023 reach <4k Around 10/04/2024 reach <3k 12/07/2024 reach <2k reach <1k reach <750 reach <500 reach <250 reach 2 digit 8* FC 9* FC 10* pass ranked map (gd OR set)
personal life: i'm 17, 5'6 (around 168cm), he/him I mainly listen to music from the 1970-1990's Mostly UK Stuff, But I am also rock, hip hop, and 2010's Pop kinda guy tbh here is my 70-90's playlist favorite artists: Linkin Park, Bob Marley (RIP), Foo Fighters, System of a Down, Michael Jackson, ABBA