you're cute
top diff is really fun to play
01:02:500 (7) 01:03:888 (11) 01:15:555 (6) These ones also
01:00:277 (9) - This one also
00:59:305 (6) - This circle should start a new combo
I think you should add Kiai to your map
Kozak mapa 9/11
These 5 circles should be one slider. 01:21:693
I think this diff should have less sliders.
yeah, it's supposed to be a "gimmick" i said that in mapset description lolol
i solo fake A
changed to hp 6 i've also nerfed some parts.
i've decided to make it a hdash, fixed
done, put a fun slider here
I haven't paid attention to the hitsounds yet, I will take care of it when I finish all diffs.
kliknij ok aby wybrać nagrode zanim zdobedzie ją ktos inny
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