My Pinned are plays that I find impressive for my skill range or just that I like the music A LOT
BE A 4 DIGITS IN LESS THAN A YEAR OF PLAYING (started in november 2020), 4D ACHIVED THE 09/29/21 2 MONTHS BEFORE NOVEMBER. Next goal : 800pp A 400pp play (done the 08/22/21) A 500pp play (16th June 2022 8pm) A 600pp play (done when I was banned / Officially 12/07/2023) A 700pp play (done the 10/19/2024) A 800pp play : SOON + choked the same day as my first 700 Being able to be consistent on cross-screen 9* map Being able to have a good finger control on 260BPM Reach #2 Belgium Enough goals for now