im a dumb a kittytgirl i love breakcore, mashcore .ect feel free to dm me!! :33 wanna be tech player chordjack/jack "main" but ill play what ever discord: aahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh and my display name is kitter
first 100pp play: davay rasskazhem super dif +ht 112pp 22/12/24
10/3/25 5 digit?
some pinned scores are scores i wana improve so dont mind them
not super active atm other special interests rn
long term goals (no like time limit unless said): all dans up to gamma dan clear play comfortably 180+bpm jacks/chordjacks clear alpha by the end of the year
short term goals (to be done in a month to 3 months): Aquaris +ht pass (87+ acc) fix acc :/