Pls Ignore my Most Played maps i hate it so much :c
(The Day i got the 3K PP 2019.4.27)
(The Day i got the 4K PP 2019.11.05 16:07:19 [Im not sure this is the right date but its ok] )
(The Day i got the 5K PP 2020.02.08 2:24:52)
(The Day i got the 6K PP 2022.07.22 19:21:51)
(The Day i got the 7K PP 2022.10.31 23:32:10)
Things to do before i quit osu!
Passes: Sunglow HDDT Rog-Unlimitation FC Ange De Blanc Pur Big Black Honesty Raise My Sword Remote Control HDDT or DT Image -MATERIAL- Union! HDDT or DT Overkill HDHR World's End HDDT OR DT Road Of Resistance AugoEidEs Glory Days DT pass Tsukinami HDDT pass
Rank: 500pp play 400PP play(2022.08.27) Below 10K rank Below Top 100 in hungary(2020.12.16) Below Top 50 in hungary
None... Im a single circle clicking weeb with no life...