Everything was fun while it lasted, I did enjoy a lot since my last tournament. My great teammates are the best support behind. When it finally comes to the end, I believed it will not be our final position. No man left behind and here we are. [-Tricked-] I still think you should be better and suitable than me in the team and like Dale said I think you will bring us more competitiveness next year! Please keep going and I have my faith in you! Canada needs you!UmmmMrMooHarambeDale940 I am so proud could be in the team with you people, I guess this would be the best ending for me in mania. Thanks again for been kind on me! I will remember these even in real life!
I have played rhythm games for almost 8 years since 2013. I can't tell the reason or motivation which pushed me these years and I guess best ending always left some pity. Pretty disappointing at all, but well happened. Could be extraordinary or commiserative stuff, I don't struggle with it any longer and I don't care anymore. Not gonna be heroic with it just because it's time to move on. Every time I checked the screenshots or chatting. All it brings me is like a real scene just happen in front of my eye and acting like I am still there. A silly kid who just waked up in class and people around belly laugh at me. The teacher was pissed off honestly and told me to get attention to the review. She's definitely angry all the time... I still can look through that window and the sunsets. Everyone still there and I still get time. Mania used to be the influential game as most of my unoccupied time. I simply quite only play Bang!Dream right now. Momentarily, it's the time back to reality. Not a young boy now, hard to say that but had to admit the truth. Add my qq or discord if we can find something fun to play or talk about.
Last speeches from my respect player Asrielly : "I hope what I did inspires others, and would inspire those same individuals to inspire many more others."
- What I am doing now tbh this is my second year in college so it makes me don't have so much passions on osu. Also I used to be a 120 fps player so it result in my shit accuracy and ratios in mania. After the mwc this year I realized that I should readjust my time on osu and what kind of maps I need to focus on. The serious hand injured on my left hand due to so much vibro and dt.(and still hurts rn) So most of my time I kept play 1*-2* songs which means I want to give myself a whole year of rest and it's not anyone's faults. Still feel happy if I could have games with my friends but the possibilities would be rare and I don't hold any confidence on hard stuff(up over 5*). More importantly, is if I still forcing my hands did these only gonna kick myself totally out VSRG… Sometimes people have questions and doubt my skills because I didn't perform well during mp but nvm that's all what I can doing now. I am a bad mania player now.
Welcome to my user page.I am Maka0720!
Username change: Maka0720 -> Scarlet Maka -> NunotabaShinobu
- In Passing:
"Be nice to people on your way up because you'll meet the same people on your way down."
- Glad to meet you guys here I am Maka0720. I am from China just living in Canada now. I think it's not such hard to recognize it from my poor English. I speak Chinese in real so please forgive my bad English. Also I am not a good mania player so don't treat me as a good one and I don't have any efficiency ideas to help you develop your skills. Sorry! I am very willing to make some friends here so I seldom ignore people unless there's sort of difficulties between our chatting. Please don't ask too much even if you have social relationships with me but you can't involve other's business. I try to avoid these as much as I can. So I did until now. If there's anything I didn't consider enough through our conversation please let me know! I'd like to be honest with everybody so please keep everything straight and as easy as possible. Not really good at chatting at all so apologize here again if I gave you such an impression or things like that before.
- From now on maybe spend more time working on 6 key. Although I mainly 4K
- Sometimes I like spectating... Just learning skill from others
- Special thanks to [Crz]Emperor- teach me lots of skills in mania!
- Talk about previous experience. My rhythm game journey started in 2013.7 when I was going to a journey to London and one of my friends who played a rhythm game on his ipad and it called 乐动达人. It's just simply a 4K and 3K game. And I need to point out the fact that I actually enjoy more on watching others playing instead of doing it myself! And get influenced by him. So most of us try to play that game. No exceptions includding me. That how I started since I have no interests in music game. Yeah, it's just due to boring and so why not spend some time finding things fun? But at that moment I really thought VSRG was too difficult for me so I just play it sometimes when I was boring. Honestly, my score was extremely shitty and I have doubted lots of times whether should I continue to play this type game or just let it go. This situation kept struggling myself through 2013 and 2014. However the experience and life in 2013 I will never forget for the rest of my life. The most valuable part of memory is not how brilliant it is. Because we can't go back there any longer. I only played Rhythm Master at that time. During 2015 I started to get touch on other VSRG like DJMax and O2JAMU. Unfortunately, I struggled a lot at the beginning so I just register an account. I only play some pretty easy songs in O!M like 0.9*. It seems like my skills grow much better right now.
- Personally, I really adoring to lots of gifted players! I saw them got 10k pp in few weeks and pass Tachyon like a piece of cake. So sometimes I can't befriend them and it's definitely hard to find a suitable chat topic with them. Just because our experience is definitely opposite, I consider try to make a friend who got a similar experience with u will be much comfortable for both sides!
- The most valuable treasure during these years in the VSRG game is not how hard we did or how many songs we took down. Is the friends we made on our way up. You know how bad I was and how good I was. I enjoyed talking with others and sharing some stuff no matter what it is. You can call me a bad mania player all you want it's ok I always hold a point that I am the worst mania player. All I asked is the most basic respect. Treat people like how you want to be treat by others. Thanks.
- Be top 10 in Canada doesn't mean anything to me no matter before or in future. After I saw how bad I am and I am done. Maka osu dead meme.
- Get to the part where people usually question a lot, the first time I saw osu is in 2016 when I was boring and lie in the bed. I still remembered it's the Chinese new year and I just clean up my own space which is pretty tired that hours. I saw MWC 7K 2016 and get shocked a lot by the Chinese team wining the world up that year. So I also set up a goal for myself (even if myself keep in mind it may not ever come true) I will join a world up one day! I believed that's what striving myself actually play osu and start trying to be just little bit close to it. I should give a big thank you to piggy for letting me in team Canada last year. Even if I am not that great and good as mwc player. I am lucky but not lucky at all. I get a exams on the match day and miss it the next one I have to against china which let me in a pretty awkward position. That's how I finished my world up last year. Pretty disappointing at all but well it happened! I should focus more on how to improved my skills instead of focusing on how to make my dream come true. That's my conclusion for my mwc 2019 and my music journal.
I was trying to be a good mapper before, but it seems that I already give it up. Individually, I always mess it up.
More than 4K and 6K, I definitely have interest to try on 7K. So I get started on 5 and 6 first. During the beginning of my Rhythm Master, I kept using three fingers for the whole year of 2013. It's a really tough time for me to switch from 3 into 4. So,I have completely no time or interest to other mod. It will take much more time on game! Even though I'm not busy at most of time.
If I get free time it's ok. But I am ONLY 4K or 6K PLAYER currently !!
2.Can I ask a mutual friends?
Friends always good! If i am not online.Plz send me private messages.
3.How can I improve my skills?
Honestly, I am not a good player! JUST DO AS MUCH AS YOU CAN!
4.How to be good at LN?
Talking about my long note practise, I would recommend doing from base and regular patterns. Which is doing more patterns you don't like because that's what make your skills differ from others. Most of people around me could have pretty nice LN skills for the reason that they've maintain balanced base skills to support their LN practise. Especially when you try some heavily inverse maps like full LN memoria or aiae. If you can't hold with regular maps there's no point that you can even pass that LN aiae. More important is, never stop try score v2 when you do LN maps. Score v2 requires high accuracy which makes people usually complained a lot about it. But we have to admit that players who can do better score on score v2 definitely have better skills compared with score v1. Makes no sense if a player who play od0 maps all day and say i am good LN players.
There are many people who helped me a lot on my way up during these years. Even if I don't mention you doesn't mean that we are no longer friends or I forget you. I just put on as much as I remember now. If I forget you tell me!
[Crz]Emperor-:My tutor in mania 4k until now. Also have extremely strong skills in lots of PE music games. The person who offers me a really good beginning at Mania for good skin and a nice keyboard. Really appreciate lots of maps for practice and beautiful skin! Your maps always make me crazy for plenty of LN and Vibro. lol Whatever, Congratulations on passing Tachyon v1!!
Cecile-:First person who recommand me to play osu. Long-time friends and we have played Rhythm Master, O2JamU for nearly two years. Scary 6k and 7k player! Even though u won't get touch on this game any longer. Still have to say thank you for telling me a lot on osu! GuGu we can have a meet-up back to China!
[Crz]Noire:REALLY NICE COACH FOR ME ! Really offered me plenty of good ideas on my origional practise. And I can see my progress dramatically! BIG THANKS for help me strengthen my skills to pass the crz exam. Although i haven't pass now haha. But i think i will do it one day! Really appreciate for lots of nice maps and I have really improved a lot right now!
Anson_98:One of most respect players until now. Be an integrity person before being a good player. What I've learned and seen from you is not only game skills. How to treat others, how to be a good player and management of a team, record every progress made, and be the right tutor for new players, the most valuable part is never leaving and never giving up any friends around. I always think about my old days in 乐动时代 even if I could have little conscientiousness. I shouldn't give our team my responsibility that easier. It's my lucky to meet people like you in my music journal. Especially when I was still acting like a kid. You helped me a lot more than anyone else. But the only sad thing is I can‘t feel and realize anything. Sorry for letting you do that much and teaching me that much, never complained about anything and gave up anyone. A right people more than a good player! Please forgive everything I've done before and thanks for trusting me that much. 如果还有机会的话 我想说一句 对不起 安神 辛苦了!
Freeflow:Actually the first Canadian mania player I know before I came to Canada! Thanks for showing me skills on SV. very friendly person. Hope can meet you in real one day.
osu_degenstage5:Hoenstly,thx a lot for helping me during a long tough time. That was my hardest time in osu seems like I am just a 5dan player at that moment.(WTF I already passed 7dan at that time and suddenly dropped back to 5dan) I really get a lot improved in ripple with u and started know some simple skills on vibro. Which has offered me more confidence and basic after I return back to osu. REALLY NICE JACK PLAYER. More importantly, congratulations for joining crz team. U also saw me grow up from 7dan to 10dan. Uncountable encouragements from past to now. One of my best friends in mania!
Mihyo_San:Also one of my weird friend from rhythm master. Absolutely low profile man with great accuracy skill specially in 6k and 7k. WORKED A LOT ON BANG DREAM AND PUBG AND IT'S A TRULY A ENJOYMENT TO HAVE GAME WITH U PAL! btw u also helped me a lot on LN right now. In the case that I wouldn't wanna take game with just shitty mash or vibro, u offered me more ideas on acc and ln. Which I have to say that offers me more confidences and stamina to did XI and XII. I believed that's what people usually say you can have more fun with people who are willing to talking to others! Expert on bang dream and definitely a seal. U TAUGHT ME A LOT I CANT LEARN IRL! PE gamers and really multitasking ?
Genuinered:First meet since we play Rhythm Master. I know that you are crazy with loli so don't talk to me with that every seconds xd. NO MORE LOW SEAL my friend - -... Nice mapper in Rhythm Master and I am looking forward to see your work in om!
[Crz]sunnyxxy:MOST GIFTED PLAYER I have never seen before!
Nepgear007:A very quiet and unknown player. Unlike other people who mainly skilled in one or two areas. U are a comprehensive one! Even if u have lots of scary score but still keep low profile. One of my best friends here and I always feel pleasure during our chatting. Thank you for lots of consideration on me and it's a great time to have game with u. Thank you Miku owo
Genuine:One of CA top player even u got hand injured. Sorry about that. Dan 9 officially but Luminal actually, right? Always beat me on accuracy that's why I restart my accuracy play now haha. It got me a whole year to get almost as best as u. Good LN and accuracy player.
loafusofbread:BREAD BREAD BREAD BREAD BREAD BREAD . U are not the most gifted one now but tbh u are the hardest one ! GOOD LUCK ON MWC 2019 ! TACHYON V3 96 WHEN ?