PLAY MORE. This is considered a meme in the community but it is the very basis of how improvement works. You CAN'T expect improvement without playing. The amount of time dedicated to playing varies from one to another. So don't compare your play count with others it will only discourage you.
PLAY ALL KIND OF MAPPING STYLE. This is fundamentally important when it comes to improving raw skills in different aspects. If you solely play jump maps for instance well your aim will be much better than any other skillset. This leads people to think that they aren't doing as good when it comes to streaming or reading but they don't realize that they simply haven't trained in those fields enough yet. This also means that you should prioritize understanding and mastering the basics rather than focusing on pushing the difficulty higher. You can clearly see how important that is with some top 1k players still heavily struggling on AR7 or unconventional mapping style because they haven't invested as much time into it.
HAVE A POSITIVE MIND SET. This is also very important. To remain motivated and happy about playing osu! you need to be happy with your own thoughts about the game and what you are wanting to achieve. I recommend focusing your improvement-related concerns on yourself and not others. This means that you should not compare yourself again to others in terms of performance because there's always gonna be someone better than you inevitably. You should instead, focus on self-improvement on maps you haven't played in a few days/weeks and keep yourself motivated by improving said scores.
PLZ ENJOY GAME. You may not realize this yet but the truth is that your ranking really does not matter when it comes to "improvement". The ranking system is based on complex mathematic equations that I do not understand but what I do know is that the system is not perfect. You obtain PP through the very luck/skill base required to play that competes against your top 100 best plays that you EVER submitted. This affects your ranking vs the world but not your improvement by itself. You constantly improve as you play more and so you shouldn't consider PP = improving as you will rarely ever set as many top plays as you will improve in the long term.
CHALLENGE YOURSELF & SET GOALS. You can create a playlist with a specific mapping style or difficulty to train on. You should set objectives and not set a deadline as that would only put pressure and anxiety on yourself. You can add MODS to the mix and always look up for more maps that you wish to FC and keep on playing and try these maps occasionally and see how much you improved.
DO NOT FARM RETRY. Not only is farm-retry a mentality often associated with tryhards and raging it is also a toxic mindset. Fundamentally you don't improve your raw skills when you farm retry, you improve your ability to replicate something in a specific context. This will also massively impact your sightreading as you are getting more used to knowing what's coming instead of working on reaction time and being prepared for anything. And it also won't really change a lot honestly (It only impact your odds of setting a new top score as you force your way through attempting to achieve a score). I am a good example, my most played maps are still 1-3* and that's mostly due to my phase of wanting to get in the top 50 with 4 mods lol. Yet I am still almost 4 digits and I do not farm retry at all. A good balance I believe is not retrying more than 5 times in a row the same map and ALWAYS playing it all the way through.
USE A COMFORTABLE PLAYSTYLE. It is also very important that you find some ways of playing that you enjoy and feel comfortable at. You should not focus on looking at how others play and rather focus on what feels most optimal for you. KEEP IN MIND THAT THERE IS NO "PERFECT" PLAYSTYLE THEY ALL HAVE FLAWS. You may refer to others for technique but not try to copy them completely and expect the same result. Everyone plays differently to some extent.
I am diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and an anxiety disorder...So I'm basically really messed up LMAO.
My personality type is Logician aka "INTP" - Introverted, Intuitive, Thinking, and Prospecting.
Wacom CTH480 (drag mainly + streaming technique ring and index) & OpenTabletDriver. Keyboard is Razer Huntsman Tournament Edition TKL.
8 Digits - Literally the first 3 days on osu! lol 7 Digits - August 2017 6 Digits - At some point after September 2017 5 Digits - At some point in 2019 4 Digits - May 2022 100pp play - At some point before 2019 200pp play - At some point in 2019-2020 300pp play - 22nd April 2021 400pp play - 1st october 2021 1KPP - Towards the end of 2017 2KPP - At some point in 2018 3KPP - Towards the beginning of 2019 4KPP - Towards the end of 2019 5KPP - At some point in 2020 6KPP - May 4th 2021 7KPP - November 1st 2021 (No longer valid thx pp rework I cri)