Dang I started in 2017 and its been almost seven years playing this game
All credit goes to my cousin for showing me the game through a shitty C-Rank Renai Circulation play and challenging me to beat it lol.
Hopefully I can be an impressive player one day
To do list:
Relearning stamina and speed lol
Will surpass my friends one day. (Personally I feel like I have surpassed them both in skill and rank but then acai decided to be good at the game again so ggs)
Thank you to Amuro for being an amazing captain and giving me the opportunity to play with skilled and amazing people. He really was the mental of the team
Thank you walle for some funny moments in VC and for some awesome HR and DT carry performances, sorry for stealing your spot in tiebreaker on fianls
Thank you Aheo for being the ACTUAL fking G.O.A.T of the century. You are honestly the second 5* player of the team the sheet just undervalues you :3c
Thank you Chokgamer for filling for literally everything I could not play. Honestly the best all-rounded player on our team and I enjoyed playing the tournament with you
Thank you Markus for being so good at hardrock like how the hell are you this good at hardrock. It was fun playing with you Thank you steisha for all the funny memes in the discord, playing alongside you was pretty humorous and whimsical