01:23:912 (3,4,5,6,7) I like the placement of this burst in terms of timing. It feels like you could have bursts like this in other parts of the map as well, it would make it flow a lot better I think. i would also maybe change the shape, it looks a bit fugly as it is, but it's up to you.
01:12:362 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1) Actually love the pattern in this jump part, good one! Would recommend making the entire jump part only one combo sequence though. It's weird when it changes in the middle of it.
01:11:912 (2) The shape of this slider feels a bit out of place in this conext, judging by how you haven't had any sliders like this since the start of the map.
01:11:312 (5) I think this slider is supposed to be on the red tick right before where it is now.
00:53:012 (1) this spinner is out of place, since there was already a long break I'd recommend actually mapping something here if you decide to keep the break and not map something there. Having this spinner placed after a break makes the map feel a bit lazy.
00:38:612 (4) I feel like you could probably do something for the break here. Either to remove it completely by filling it with something or at least try to make it shorter.
00:29:162 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) I would suggest making this into an arch or something similar, having a completely round stream is weird.
00:22:112 (2) The slider velocity changes in this area are very weird. It feels like a diff drop and then it instantly speeds up again.
I feel like this slider 00:19:712 (1) should start on the white tick where 00:19:112 (3) ends.
Thank you. I'm currently trying to gain knowledge by watching mapping streams so I guess I've got that going for me. The part about object placement I see what you mean. This is something that I've been working on since my second map and it's slowly getting better. I will take everything you said into consideration though!
Thanks a lot. That slider velocity thing I will really keep in mind. I will make sure to experiment with that more on my next map. One thing that I really wanted to do was try and build tension. Like every part that is similar to 01:50:388 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) was something that I thought would help build tension. But since I myself in gameplay don't really notice tention building that much it's a bit difficult for me to implement it into my mapping. Thanks a lot though!
I hear this a lot. Trying to combat this as best as I can. I don't know if you could help me here. But is it possible for you to explain exactly what you mean by "stay consistent on what sounds you're trying to map"? People always tell me this but it's a bit too vague for the 100% understand.